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RE: Starting a garden Post #10

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Thanks for the comments. I got the blueberries from the tree farm I trust. He recommended planting a mix of varieties. I have been blindly following his advice. Good to hear from someone I trust that he is giving smart advice 🙂


Especially with some fruits that come in many different varieties, it really matters to find out which varieties are needed for it pollinate.

Most blueberries fortunately, I think tend to flower close to the same time of year, but not always.

My friend has a tiny one called Jelly Bean that he grows in a container on his porch, and says it self-pollinates well, and his kids love picking fruit off it. I've had one growing in my yard for three years, it is still scrawny, and it has never formed fruit. Ha!

I spent a lot of time studying my fruit trees I planted to figure out pollination but didn't think of it for the blueberries. Hopefully I got lucky with the blueberries. Sounds like maybe your friends blueberry container should come live by your blueberry plant for awhile 🤞

Nice idea. I will have to remember to offer to housesit for him next Spring, when his blueberries flower.