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RE: Starting a garden Post #27

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Thanks! Don't go down the rabbit hole of apple tree polination ☠️ danger danger Just kidding there is a lot out there about which varieties to plant with which varieties and which are self pollenating and which need a different variety and when each variety blooms so the blooms will be out at the same time... it goes on and on. I think it can be overly complicated. A few trees relatively close together work usually. And depending on where you are the pollenators maybe already at work close to your trees anyway.


Thanks for the warning, haha!

We already have a lot of bees and hoverflies attrected by our Japanese crabaple and some other flowers and plants that attract flying insects.
The trees are self pollinating, but the insects seem to help.
We also bought an almond tree. I read that you could also do a manual pollination with a brush to stimulate it. I don't see myself brushing off my almond tree yet 😂