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RE: Garden Journal - September 2022

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I'd say by the looks of things you did pretty well this year despite the pests and lack of water. Love the pics of the family and kids getting involved with the harvest. Hands on experiences is a great way for children to learn and appreciate what it takes to grow your own stuff.

So, from the pics of yourself it looks like you got your ears lowered. 😁untitled.gif

Have a wonderful time on your vacation to Spain, there is no better way to unwind then to take a vacation.

 2 years ago  

The lack of water was really palpable during the hot hours of the day, all the plants wilting, trying to cope with the scorching sun.

I must have lost at least half of my seedlings, by not moving them out of the full sun, even 3 weeks after sprouting, it looks like some of them got permanently stunted and damaged.

The weed is fine though 😁

Thanks for your wishes, I'll enjoy it as much as I can!

We also had a very dry summer and resorted to using the water from our pond in fear of running our well dry.

It's funny how weeds can thrive when everything goes bust.
Smoke them up.