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RE: Foraging on a sublime and beautiful Sunday

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Definitely telepathy!!!
What an amazing feedback dear @bluemoon, honestly it means the world to me!!!
I appreciate so much that you generously share your personal experience. I am so grateful for everything you share :)
It is so easy to get carried away by work and obligations, that's for sure. I have a busy brain, always looking for a new project, but I am a bit lazy at the same time as well, the two opposites, haha! I am sure that you will be happy to hear that since we returned I have set a limitation to 2-3 hours of farming work early in the morning 4-5 days per week :)

It is a magic place, that people have left in peace so it remains magic :)
We are always so excited when corcodus are ready, so nice that you also have them around. I guess they need some more time there till they are ripe, or maybe not?

As for the vine leaves, I am not pacient enough to make "dolmadakia"! I slice them up, add onion (preferably fresh), fennel and cumin, and any spice you like (I always use turmeric which I love) and then add rice or millet or buckwheat or whatever you want and voila, a very summery food is ready! Smells wonderfully!

The light was wonderful yesterday, I was amazed by the photos myself too, haha!

So glad you felt like you were there with us!

Thank you so much for what you have offered here!

Same to you dear @bluemoon! You skyrocketed my good mood with this message!


Thank you! You gave me good news, first of all, that you chose this light work schedule. I, too, like to laze around, I don't seem to have enough time to laze around... because I have to work from time to time.

You're right, the corcodus is not ripe yet, it will be in two weeks.

Dolmadakia has a counterpart in Romanian, they are called "sarmale" and it is a kind of national food, the meat version but also the vegetarian one, which is made in fasting. All my life I thought it was a Romanian food and now I found out that it is Balkan and from there it came to us.

I'm so glad my message had such a good effect, glad you are well!

 2 years ago  

I'm so glad my message had such a good effect

Way beyond good!!!

To be honest I thought dolmadakia was a national Greek and Turkish food! Learning about sarmale makes me think that our cuisine is not as unique as I thought, hahaha! Amazed once again by how many things we have in common!
I prefer the vegetarian ones, I love them, I can eat dozens of them!

Light work schedule works well, it just needs consistency and patience :)

Well, @traisto! Dolmadakia (sarma) was brought to the Romanian countries by Turks and Greeks, it's the most plausible situation (I don't know what the specialists say), anyway there were exchanges between our countries and it's very good that it happened like that. Magda too prefers no meat.

I hope it goes well with light work and maybe find best practices for good results from less work! I hope you can. I didn't manage that, although I tried.

 2 years ago  

Yes, you are right, of course they were exchanges, it would be impossible not to!
I am grateful for baklavas and chocolate and so many more, haha!
Stefanos as well prefers them without meat. So, I guess the three of us will share one plate and you will get your own, right??? :))

I have to admit that the plan has already fallen apart, haha!
But I am working on it!!! Doing better than before though, and that's a good start!

For your sake, everyone, I will give up meat, of course!
Well, I was afraid the plan wouldn't work. I saw you didn't have time for Hive and suspected you were tired.
I couldn't stick to the plan either. It's important that you saw that it can improve and ease the work that needs to be done.

 2 years ago  

For your sake, everyone, I will give up meat, of course!


I am working on a new plan now (it is going to end up as a joke)! But, to be honest, I mostly dream of the sea!!! Summer forces you to be a lazy dreamer, doesn't it?

Have a lovely day!

Lazy dreamer! Sounds nice. I remember in high school, when my favorite song was Deep Purple's "Lazy"... It was a sign I didn't understand then. I can only see better now, haha!

You're working on a mysterious plan!
You obviously made me curious. I have many feminine traits ( slightly curious ). I was raised only by women ( grandmother, mother, aunts ), I was shy ( in my time it was a feminine trait, now it seems not ), fearful, I once dressed in pink clothes (fortunately before it became a certain rainbow-tinged emblem...). Fortunately, I've recovered somewhat....