My garden big June update

in HiveGarden4 months ago

Good day dear mates! It's been for a while since my last post. If to be mo correct it passed almost 3 months. But I decided to stop this silence and publish update about my garden. So let's start!

My garden season started lately enough in this year at the end of February when I decided to choose seeds of tomatoes, papers and cucumbers . I ordered them from one well known mate from whom I took seeds couple times before. And at the beginning of March I planted them in soil. And after couple weeks I could see first sproots on my balocny.

Also as so as March and April were unusually warm and snow melted quickly at first days of April already appeared first leaves of tulips and crocuses.

And after just a week crocuses began to bloom!

Also on my window started to bloom cactus about which I've already told before.

Besides it in April I decided to clean all my garden from old trees and new wild sproots of cherry and plum trees whose roots turned out sometimes very long and fat.

Also as so as in April were strong winds some trees have been broken like it happened with old tall sweet cherry tree which grew near my garden so I was need to cut it off to prevent it to fall on somebody.

And who knows maybe once upon a time I decide to write more details about cutting off this tree and it story in one of my posts.
So step by step we came to the end of April when tulips and trees started to bloom.

Especially very intensively started to bloom cherry trees. And it brought me enough pain and troubles already in May. But now we are in April and about it a little bit later.

Step by step we came to May when started to bloom strawberries.

And here suddenly came back frosts to my region. It was so unexpectedly that I even hadn't time to prepare for it and save plants. Due this frosts flowers on trees and young plants were strongly damaged and now I can say that I lost big part of harvest. Among such plants were earlier mentioned cherry trees, blueberries bushes, plum trees and other. Fortunately not all trees started to bloom early in this year.

As example apple trees. On photos below you can see how beautiful they bloomed in my garden.

By the way in May to my garden came unwanted guests - snails, whom you can see on photos. But I decided not to wait when they will damage my plants and take them away.

Of course in my I met first bees on dandelions flowers. Of course I count it as a good sign. But honestly dandelions not the most wanted plant here. 🤫

And now we came to June when primroses have faded and we are already waiting for the first harvest of berries. The first harvest of honeysuckle in my garden is coming! And all family members are waiting for her to finally mature. Also, currants and gooseberries ripen under the rays of the sun. You can remember very well what kind of gooseberry harvest I had last year.

By the way, I completely forgot to tell you how the tomatoes and cucumbers mentioned at the beginning grow now. I planted them in my greenhouse in May. And now cucumbers have already formed ovaries and will soon yield a harvest.

Blackberry bushes also bloomed in June. Several new bushes that I planted in the fall to diversify the varieties in my garden. We will know what the result will be by the fall.

And of course, now jasmine delights me with it's aroma. The aroma of this plant is especially bright in the evening and morning time.

And finally, well-known Manchurian walnut, which also suffered a little from return frosts this year. But it is worth to say that at this year I am expecting a harvest of nuts and the nut pods have already formed on the tree.

So that's all for now. Hope in next time I'll write new update about my garden in the closer future. Stay tuned! yours @travoved


Greetings @travoved ,

What a lot of work you have been doing....and it shows in these lovely pictures...thank you for bringing them to enjoyed!

Kind Regards,


Appreciate your attention! Hope soon I can publish update, and show to hive community first harvest! 🤞🤞🤞

A splendid garden, the flowers are beautiful and I love to see that little bee working hehe ❤️

I hope you can continue to take care of such beautiful plants, there are many things to pay attention to, snails for example 👀

You are right it's still a lot of what I need to do! But all in my hands. 😉

I felt in the countryside, with an incredible peace.
Beautiful pictures @travoved
Greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you! You're always welcome to come and watch it all by yourself!
But I think flight to another part of world can be a little bit longer than expected 😉

That's right, from far away...