A blooming beauty of coffee flowers in my garden today!

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Coffee has become an indispensable drink for most of the people in the morning. The greatest majority have no idea how to process coffee beans and a lot of things behind this usual drink except the coffee lovers and specialists in the coffee field. In the past, I was one of them 😁, I just knew order a cup of pure coffee without skepticism about its quality. However, years went past and everything has changed to me. ^_^

Well, I have been through the harvesting coffee seasons with local farmers then made the coffee beans for drinking (When I was a child, sometimes I helped my mother harvest coffee but that time I was too young to understand that work). To have such a great coffee product in the market, the farmers must to take a lot of time and efforts to take good care of the coffee-tree from the growing season to flower stage and fruit season in the end.


In Viet Nam, the crop time starts in the winter season, from November to the first month of the year, the farmers will havest the red coffee fruits which gradually turn red from the green in the color’s pod.



After harvesting, growers have to take into account the weather and the condition of coffee-trees to trim the branches, put down fertilize, supply enough water (usually 2 or 3 times in the dry season), get rid of buds… and wait for the day the trees have fruits and being ripe.

On December last year, I spent 4 days collecting the red fruits with 2 of my friends . I enjoyed sitting under the big sheet, used my hands to pluck off the fruits from all branches, from one to another trees in turn.


Landscape on the way to my garden


The first day of harvesting, we came to my garden at 8 am to get rid of fog


The second day of harvesting, the weather was more better with a lot of sunshine.


The third day of harvesting, I have to carry out bag of coffee.


The last day of harvesting, I was so happy to finish crop season 😁.

Up till last month, with one time of watering and putting down fertilizer, the coffee-trees in my garden have bloomed gradually. Fortunately, for the second time of watering, the weather has changed and rained these days heavily so I can take my time to do another work while seeing the weather. ^^

This morning, I dropped by my garden and watched out the trees as usual. The cool white color likely the snow were full bloom in all branches of cofee-tree. This is the sign I know that the raining these days has supplied a lot of water for my garden.





The flowers shed their perfume around which has taken bees and butterflies to take pollen and honey inside the centre of it. I wish I could pause this moment for a second then turned into one of the bees in order to feel the sweet from flowers.😌





Why is water so important for coffee-tree?
In my own experiences, water is always a difficult part in growing and caring coffee. Coffee-tree is a plant that needs plenty of water to stimulate blooming stage from its branches. If we supply a little water or water it in wrong time, this absolutely affects the process of producing fruits.


Although coffee-trees require a lot of water, it does not mean we can let them being waterlogged, so the drainage system is also one of aspects that I have to pay attention. My area just only has two seasons: dry and raining season, it means I have to stock the amount of water to support coffee-trees in the dry season.


This is the pond that I keep water to supply my garden

Why do I need to trim branches of this plant?
The fruits of coffee are brought forth from these branches, I need to clean the dry one, cut down the branches which are pointing the wrong direction and let new one with an excellent form can be created for the next season. Besides, coffee-tree needs sunlight to photosynthesize, it means I have to create enough space into the tree for that process. Notice that too much sunlight can harm the coffee-trees, I have to grown some high trees to shade coffee-trees in some certain conditions.

What will I do on the following days?
From this time, there is a few work I need to do till the next harvest season on December this year.
For more detail, next month, I will cut down the wild grass, will not let it rise higher than the coffee-trees. Then on June, I will put down cow dung to them in order to feed more nutrients and minerals for their growing and fruits. The last stuff I need to do is only about trim buds springing up from the tree-trunks. That is all I have to do 😄.

With a bit of patience, I am still lack of handle experiences with what happens in my garden, but I am not worry about it cause Whatever come will come!😌 Though I am living in the information technology age, not everything that I can deal with. I always conceive that the nature gives us life, so i should respect and live in harmony with mother nature. 😊

All our best wished at the weekend, love you all!


They're beautiful! We were excited to have our very first this year!

 2 years ago  

Hi Dear! May I ask where your coffee garden is? Is it in Australia?

Its in South Australia

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 2 years ago  

Thank you @theherbalhive ^_^

Beautiful white blossom!
Thanks for taking us through the process, I'm sure there's a lot of hard work to bring the coffee to the table.
Love it!

 2 years ago  

Thank you, sis! If you are a fan of coffee, I can gift you a small pack of pure coffee to enjoy the real taste of it ^_^ .

That's very nice of you, but I'm in Saigon, that's too far to ship anything. Thanks again. 😃

mình thấy hạt coffee thật được vài lần, nghe bảo hái cf nhọc lắm, giờ thấy ảnh mới thấm thía thêm :)

 2 years ago  

Hihi. Cảm ơn bạn. Có dịp ghé mình chơi ^^ Nếu bạn thích uống cf thì mình gửi tặng một phần để pha uống 😊😊😊😊.

Lần đầu em thấy hoa cà phê đó. Đẹp quá chị

 2 years ago  

Hihi. Nào tới mùa cà phê, ới em lên đi hái cf cho biết ha 🤣🤣

Dạ cảm ơn chị trước ạ

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Cafe nay vào Mùa chưa chị ?

 2 years ago  

Nay đang nở hoa đợt 2 đó em. Tầm tháng 11 năm nay mới vô mùa thu hoạch hihi.

those flowers are amazing indeed, I had no idea what coffee flowers could look like. actually the whole plant is beautiful, with those huge leaves... Thanks for sharing those photos:) I guess I knew about the red berries but thats it, and somehow I never managed to look up the coffee plants.. well now i know:) are you also drying and roasting the coffee yourself?

 2 years ago  

Hello @kesityu.fashion , Thank you for visting online my garden ^^ Ya, About coffee beans, I dried it by the sunlight, it took about 15 -20 days to dry under the sun. About roasting, I took it to my relative, he is professional roaster ^^ I do not have skill in that field. Hope one day I can send the pure coffee for you ^^

ooh that would be awsome:) really nice!! I ll stick around to see what else is going on in your online garden:)

A nice garden full of nice flowers and lot of things

 2 years ago  

Thank you @jayblak. I am planting some green beans too, it is quite long to wait for its growing :p at least 3 months. Do you have a garden in your house?

Not at all

 2 years ago  

I love coffee, I wish I can also plant coffee.

 2 years ago  

@afterglow, you can grow 10 or 20 coffee trees if your garden is not quite large. But I think if you want to grow more and more, you must to take a lot of efforts and time to take care of it in the first 3 years till it grows stronger and get ready to have fruits.