Marxists strategies for common law. They only went and handed us our freedom!

in Conspiracy Realists2 years ago (edited)

I used Marxist strategies in my self-representing rape court case. I did so because this is the world that The-Powers-That-Be TPTB seem to want to create and it is the world they have created that in turn had me raped out of politeness. And that made me want to test this system for myself. Weed out its weaknesses. And there are many. So I applied their world ideas to my case in the court room and I won. I even set precedent. And I think they have made a fatal error in their stupendous world view and I would love your thoughts on this.

Common Law rules.

From my understanding of law and common law, it is necessary for corporations or government bodies to address you directly for a letter or correspondence to have any legal binding. It relates back to the birth certificate and your identity on that form. The birth certificate actually being your death certificate really in this upside-down world. And your parents handed you over to the state by signing that little bit of paper. This documentary called 'Strawman Explained - Legal Fiction' will explain it better than I can, here.

That is easy to understand. However, the law, courts, even the science these days is claiming that if someone identifies as someone even something else, then that is fact. It is the truth and the reality. And guess what else. Hate speech laws means it is a criminal offence in the UK to dispute that. Huh! This is going to be a very fun future. No?

Haha, okay. So let’s assume they send a letter addressed to me. It has the name from my birth certificate and it requires I pay a parking ticket or something. But here’s the thing. Maybe, possibly in that moment when I pick up that letter, I’m just not feeling it, but rather I am identifying as someone else. Therefore, it is illegal to open that letter. And since I don’t identify as that name, I can’t pay that fine. Sure, it feeds the beast to some extent, but do you think they aren’t playing these rules?

Do you think they aren’t identifying as Native Indians so as to grab a top spot university degree? Do you? Of course they are. But it is they who are making up the rules and the laws. They made these rules so as they could game their own system. What, you think we can’t do the same?

We are simply applying them to our benefit. That was never intended, but it can be done. They changed the rules SO it can be done. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing here that more than two genders or sexes exist. I’m not agreeing with their new system. But I like what I have learned within the common law and natural law system. I’m simply saying I don’t identify as the person they wish to penalise with fines.

More than that in fact, I am saying that I am NOT the person they identify on the birth certificate. I don’t identify as that person so therefore it cannot be true. Science and law back me on this. And it is an offence for TPTB to claim otherwise. Furthermore, I claim to be a living soul, living within a completely different system to the one they are trying to force me into through oppression of withholding my TRUE identity.

I identify as a soul existing within the natural law system. And to punish me for such would be discrimination due to not accepting me as who and what I identify as. THAT in turn is offensive and is a criminal act under law for hate speech in the UK. And for that, I will be calling the police to report a non-crime crime, which with it holds a non-record record. Yes, Really!

Oh the confusion. Oh the dilemma. Oh the upset. This is actually a glorious time. This is a bloody glorious time. They only went and shot themselves in the foot.

But they won’t allow it I hear you cry. No, THEY wouldn’t. But we are playing this our own way. And therefore we won’t be taking their ‘legal advice’. We won’t be taking their ‘representation’.We won’t need to. They don’t have paperwork for all of my identities. And who knows when I might be feeling like a new identity.

‘I’m sorry, you want to stamp me with a digital identity? Really? Well, which one of my many hundreds of identities do you wish to stamp with this digital identity? Oh ALL of them? Gosh, do you know what? I just realised I have several million identities and the list just keeps growing. Let me know when you’re ready to start identifying my millions of identities.’

You see? If we want this shit to end, we have to make it so unfeasible they have to back track on it, or they have to accept they attempted to game the system but were gamed. They got gamed by the peasants. Oh this is beautiful. And I don’t think they would like to do that. Not with egos like theirs.

Furthermore, it would at this stage be extremely difficult for them to walk back their own rules, indoctrination and peer pressures and laws. Sure, they have done it to our generation to cause confusion, but we take the bat and hit back harder. We would be work completely within them, in the manipulative way they never expected. And it will piss them off SO badly.

Currently I don’t respond to any letters I receive in the post. I don't pay my water bill. I need water to live. Why would I pay for that? First of all, if it were ever the case that a bailiff came here, well you see, they couldn’t enter. You know why? Covid. It would be a health and safety risk and what do you know, I have Covid symptoms… cough, cough, cough. SEE! That was Covid, so they simply can’t enter my house.

As it is, I have had letters, but I didn't open or answer them just because I didn't identify as the person they are addressing in that moment. I haven't actually been bothered by them at all. Now I don't hear from them at all. I did get a court summons for a video court case, but you know, I just didn't have a laptop on that day and my understanding was that the case was thrown out. How inconvenient.

Police come to my house and try to enter. Oh no! Cough, cough, cough. I have Covid. Health and safety issue. This is far too dangerous they will have to leave. You see, they are claiming this is real and a genuine and a huge threat. THEY HAVE TO! They have to convince the plebs to get injected. We know otherwise. And so, we apply their stupidity in our favour. Now it could be argued that if we do this, things could get tyrannical and out of control.

I now ask you to take a really good look around you and repeat that sentence without laughing. I don’t see this as hopeless. I see this as their stupidity our gain. I see this as our freedom. They just handed us our freedom. On a big, shiny, silver plate. Our birth certificates mean squat now. This has been confirmed. They have handed us the key to ensure they NEVER get our information because at a drop of a hat, we can change our identity.

What we have mistakenly been doing was firstly, accepting everything they told us to be true. When and as we discovered it wasn’t true or real, we desperately wanted to hold on to something that was real and true. We would fight over the legitimacy of male and female.

Perhaps we had believed we were fighting for justice. Well we still can. We identify them as being real. But they have now explicitly shown us that nothing we were taught is real. NOTHING. And so now we are free to create our own reality.

What we have to do is stop thinking in the old system if they are renewing it. Stop thinking within the box. They swapped the box, that ridiculous plastic TV box, and they are replacing it with a stupid, pathetic occult triangle. Fine!

They want to do this, let’s do this. GAME! ON! I am smarter than these idiots. They just handed me true, absolute true freedom from their crappy triangle world. I’m heading to my new rhombus world. Screw you PTB! Who is coming with me?

With many of us taking on and embracing this new identity switch whenever it is convenient and oh and they loving pushing that convenience ideology, they will have to do something. Grab the popcorn eh? After years of indoctrinating the young and then likely having to trample over everything they taught them, this will be fun to watch. Don’t you think? Sounds like what they are currently doing to Gen Z, may be done again to Gen Alpha, or maybe Gen Z will teach the way from here. Damn. They messed up big time.

And what about you? Are you joining me?

Every morning as I wrote up my own rape case, I would say out loud to TPTB:

‘Welcome to your game…. LOSERS!’

Let the games begin.