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RE: ASEAN Hiver Of The Week 👨‍💻 @alvonsohiver 🕵️‍♂️ Insect Investigator & Dedicated ASEAN Hiver 🐛

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY2 years ago (edited)

Yes, that's true my brother, our friend this one hiver is indeed very active in his involvement in the ASEAN community. I have no doubts about that, almost every day he posts content here, and also his comments can be seen in almost all of his other friends' posts here..

Thank you very much for your understanding my friend, you can say you are "my teacher" in hive. even if you don't know, to be honest I have learned a lot from you in managing this hive. all the hivers in this community, you really appreciate it. once again thank you very much 🙏🤝

 2 years ago  

I am honored, but even I am learning daily, and most of all I try to keep challenging myself and thinking of new ideas to help keep ASEAN Hive sustainable and engaging. 👊🙏