
*I decided to take a series of images exploring my personality, inspired by the fact that there are times in life when you're alone and it can be lonely, but also liberating because you can do whatever you want. *

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These images are simple but meaningful to me because they reflect my childhood, when there was only me to play with. It was just me against the world—and sometimes that meant playing ball by myself for hours on end!

I've gone through a lot of phases in my life, but one thing I never want to forget is the simplicity and comfort of childhood. As an adult, I'm constantly surrounded by people and tasks—and sometimes that can be really hard to get used to.

But there's something about being a kid that makes everything feel right. You don't have so much on your plate, and it doesn't matter if you're alone or not. You can just play ball with your friends or go on adventures. It's all yours!

I remember playing with my action figures, pretending they were real superheroes who could save the world (or at least help me win at video games). And when I was little, we had this nook in our house where we'd sit together on the floor and watch cartoons: Scooby-Doo, Inspector Gadget… even Arthur! Nowadays I still watch them whenever I can—but now they're called "Netflix" shows instead of "Saturday morning cartoons."

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When I first started playing basketball, it was just an activity to do on my own—like any other hobby. As time went on and as my skills improved, I realized there was something more to it than just getting exercise in. It became more than an activity: it became part of who I am as a person. I took these pictures because they reflect something that's important to me: independence.

When I was younger, my parents would always ask me if I wanted them to drive me somewhere or if I wanted to go somewhere by myself. At first, I didn't understand why they cared so much about being independent—but now that I'm older, I realize that it's because they want me to know that no matter what happens, even if you get hurt or scared or lost when you're out there on your own, it's okay! You can always come back home safe and sound.

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To me, it represents the freedom that comes from being alone—something many people don't have anymore. I like to think of them as a simple reminder, one that reminds us how happy everything can feel when we're doing what we love most!

It may sound strange, but I think of myself as a person who tends to draw strength from other people. That's why I'm always looking out for ways to connect with other people. And I know that being alone can be hard at times—but it doesn't have to be. When you're in the middle of a crowded room, surrounded by people who are all talking at once, that's when you need to remember: you're alone.
I've always been a people person. I enjoy working with others and making friends, but when it comes down to it, I really love being alone. When you're alone with your thoughts and your own company, you can't help but notice how much more enjoyable life is when you're not surrounded by other people!

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I think of these photographs as a simple reminder about how important it is to get out of the way and give yourself some time to be alone. They're meant to remind us that happiness doesn't have to come from doing what everyone else is doing, but from doing what YOU want most! You can do whatever you want. You can go wherever you want. You can sit there for hours with your head resting on your hand and just watch the world go by.

It's not always easy to remember that we're all free to do our own thing, but when we do, it gives us the freedom to enjoy our lives and be happy.

All photos are mine. Thank you for reaching this far!


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 2 years ago  

Indeed friends, we can never live the life we ​​lived in childhood again. We can't enjoy it like that anymore

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I think you have achieved the wisdom to step into the role of an observer of life and of the other people around you, which is quite a difficult thing. Just as it is also difficult for a person to be able to remain alone. I know a lot of people who just aren't capable of that. Coming home, if they happen to be alone, they immediately turn on the television because they cannot stand in silence, nor without the company of other people. I find this quite sad.

Thank you for your comment! I think that being able to step into the role of an observer is something everyone can strive for. It's hard, but it's worth it.

I'm glad you know a lot of people who aren't capable of remaining alone; I think it's important to understand how others feel in order to better empathize with them and support them.

 2 years ago  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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