Traveling to Pidie Jaya City Park, there is a little paradise hidden inside


Hello everyone,come again tonight I want to say hello to you all,
A few days ago I traveled to one of the favorite places for residents of meuredu pidie jaya,well.... pidie jaya city park is my target this time.
Before 2000 pidie jaya was still a pidie district namely sigli, because there was no regional expansion.
Well around 2010 about twelve years ago meureudu finally founded his own media districts and cities,

With so many residents, the local government took a solution so that if there is a budget from the central government, it can be divided to the maximum if these two hectares have regional expansion.
And finally become a county of its own.
Many buildings are under construction, and they are not a little bit costly to build local government buildings.

The original plan was for me and my wife to leave for the city park in Pidie Jaya around 3:00 a.m., since at my place around that hour it started to rain, we finally agreed to stretch out a little time to go there.
The rain started to subside around 05:15 pm,and it was dusk we still traveled There,because there I saw that there was a small paradise hidden in it.
From the house where I live now to the city park place it may take about 45 minutes, and it's not so far away right?


A few months ago I and my wife had also visited this place, but there has been no significant change, but this time a lot of changes have taken place there.I am very happy to see that many things are happening there, it is very interesting to visit and there are many things there for us to see.

It appears from a distance that a traditional acehnese house was set up around and and the reservoir there.

For the order menu here is very decent and very cheap festive,what is it possible that the café here lafi there is a promo or not,I don't really know,my existence here it is luck for us loL😀

There are many menu options to order here, a variety of sports dishes and drinks typical of our area are here.
The café opens at 10:00 am and closes at 21:00 pm.
It's a good idea to build a café around the reservoir to attract enthusiasts who visit here.
Unfortunately, I travel here not on holidays, usually if on holidays or wekkend many visitors come here, especially for young people and beautiful girls spend a little time here chatting cheerfully.

Related to the menu that I ordered has entered magrib time, we are here the majority of Muslims so the café is closed to carry out magrib prayers, finally I canceled my order because the prayer time came.
And I only had time to take a few pictures here.

Here there is a flower garden that is again cultivated but not so finished, probably in the stage of arrangement.
I took two pictures of the flower garden there.


Secretly I had a chance to photograph my wife with my only favorite child,of course they didn't pay much attention to me.
They look so intimate, the habit is that children and mama are very close like betel nut in the second😀😀

Finally, Sata stopped for a moment on the overpass that I passed there, and I looked towards the vast rice fields there, and on the same mountain, it was really fun.
It is very appropriate to bafi the people in this area, with the construction of the overpass here they are very happy.

Not so deliberately I saw a frog that was again standing not so far from where I was sitting, I finally took a picture of the frog.

I took a picture of a signboard with the words welcome to the city park of Pidie Jaya, I took it up close and a little visible sunlight from behind the writing, although it looks a little dark, but this is important for me to capture here.


Traveling is a very fun thing and sharing experiences for all friends.
Here's our ending today in a very fun place.
See you for today, and wait for our trip the next day.

Greetings from me @furkanmamplam.


The park together with the lake looks beautiful. It is a great place for a meal.

Yes @positivesteem that's right, it's very good to enjoy the afternoon breeze while eating by the lake.
Thank you friend for stopping by my house.

Have a nice day, friends.

An interesting place to visit with family in the afternoon.

Totally agree with your words my friend.
The place is very worthy of a visit.

wow what a beautiful view. your post is very complete with various picture descriptions, and the way you take photos is very focused so that it adds to the good post. thank you for sharing the information here

Thank you my friend who commented both on my post,yes I tried to share as best I could for my friends in this community.
That's right, here are some good views.
May your day be a friend.

wow the place is very beautiful, as you said heaven is hidden there and I also see this place is very suitable for traveling with family, the food menu is also very complete

Thank you @vikar for stopping by my place, it is true that you said that traveling to this place is very suitable, especially with family.

Have a nice day, friends😉😉

 2 years ago  

Mantap..nyan kabereh, lanjutkan @furkanmamplam 👍💪

Alhamdulillah bang,yang penteng bek kundo mantoeng bang.
Man nyoe lon mantoeng na yang kureung chit bang.

I want to see here. Nice atmosphere. The most beautiful scenery like this

Thank you very much friend for stopping by my place,yes the place is very beautiful friend,but I don't have much time being here.

Have a nice day, friends

It looks like you and your family had a very nice trip to that park. And also, the frog photo is cool. A lot of people don't like frogs, but I like them.

May I suggest that you put a note at the end of your blogs with the source of the pictures even if, as in this case, they were taken by you.

Thank you friend for reminding me,I'm sorry if I forgot to list his source at the end of my blog🙏🙏

Yan ka bereh bg, yang penteng bek kendo bg.👍tetap semangat

 2 years ago  

Sigoe-goe kendo hana masalah nyan budi, Kadang-kadang ken tanyo na wate saket cit 😅

Oman keren that bg laah👍

Alhamdulillah @syukrikp,bacut+bacut tajak aju.
Yang penting semangat bek kundo.
Inan kiban ka laweit nyoe

 2 years ago  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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