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RE: 🛣️ A Fun Trip With Family, A Failed Trip, & More! 🛵

The water looks drained. Omg, it’s sad to see a river draining, just like our rivers in our mountains here. Before, it was scary to jump from the rocks because of the deep water, but today, only the kids jump as it became too shallow.

I prefer the yellow (ripe) mangoes than the green. I could not eat the green one coz it tastes so sour for me. Maybe it’s just me who doesn’t wanna eat the unripe mango because all of the people I know love the green, just like you. Here in the Philippines, they say that it tastes satisfying with salt and vinegar. Some people choose the salty shrimp paste.

 26 days ago  

It is always like this when it is the dry season but the back of my house is never dry even in really hot weather. My sister loves rip mangoes too well my whole family does except me, and I don't know why. I think it is because I am not much of a sweet tooth and I likes sour stuff they just don't really have effects on me. A lot of people here like them with shrimp paste too, but mostly they don't really eat it because it is stinky. Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day.