🛣️ A Fun Trip With Family, A Failed Trip, & More! 🛵



I want to show about my trip on Sunday with my family. So basically we went to a place to go swim but since it only rain for a week there weren't any water yet.


So a few days ago I went on a little trip with my family and also practice riding my motorbike. I have to say I am better now with my shifting and stuff but I still need to get used to the shifting. That day we went to a kinda hidden place near Thmor Da Thoch, which is a tourists' place.


Well first we went to Thmor da to withdraw some money and then we went to the place. At first we were thinking about going to swim there but when we arrived there were no water, well maybe another time.


Well even with no water my sister still have fun in her own ways. I was wearing sneakers so I don't want to take it off put it back on to play with water for 10 minutes. Also we went there at the worst possible time, because the sun is right on top of us and there were no shade. It was really hot and I was really tired and thirsty.


After that I want to eat some Machuu' which is fruits that you eat with salt and chili, for me green mangoes are the best. Unfortunately the lady already left and I didn't get any but I'm not going to let that stop me, so I made one myself at home. I didn't have a lot of options but at least I could eat some of it. I also want to know what they put in the salt and chilies because it always taste so good.

Monkey B

The water looks drained. Omg, it’s sad to see a river draining, just like our rivers in our mountains here. Before, it was scary to jump from the rocks because of the deep water, but today, only the kids jump as it became too shallow.

I prefer the yellow (ripe) mangoes than the green. I could not eat the green one coz it tastes so sour for me. Maybe it’s just me who doesn’t wanna eat the unripe mango because all of the people I know love the green, just like you. Here in the Philippines, they say that it tastes satisfying with salt and vinegar. Some people choose the salty shrimp paste.

 last month  

It is always like this when it is the dry season but the back of my house is never dry even in really hot weather. My sister loves rip mangoes too well my whole family does except me, and I don't know why. I think it is because I am not much of a sweet tooth and I likes sour stuff they just don't really have effects on me. A lot of people here like them with shrimp paste too, but mostly they don't really eat it because it is stinky. Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day.

 29 days ago  

It's a good way to practice riding a motorbike. Spending such time with family is really a beautiful moment. You said it's a tourist place. But I think if there was water, the place would have been much more lively. Anyway, I wish you all the best for having a wonderful time with your family.

 25 days ago  

It is and I get to spend more time with my family. I've been there when it rains and it was really beautiful. Anyway thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day to you and your family.

Wow, is it still that dry there? Here it's almost Summer but the rain keeps returning and we still have fresh mornings. It is relatively cool for the time of the year but every now and then we have a couple of warm days.

 last month  

It started to rain a lot now but the water hasn't return yet. I also love it when it rains in the morning or at night because it is peaceful, so peaceful that I don't want to wake up to go to school. Have a nice day.

 last month  

thật đáng buồn khi điều các bạn mong muốn đi phao thì lại không thực hiện được

 last month  

It is sad that we couldn't play with water but my sister still had a little fun. Have a nice day.

Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 28 days ago  

It looks like a very nice place to visit :) Keep doing that since it's a good bonding moment with family.

 25 days ago  

It is a nice place to visit, and have a nice day.

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 last month  

It was. Have a nice day.