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RE: From Wonderful Day Off to Unwell Feeling The Next Day

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITYlast month (edited)

I like the idea of cooking misua. I’m sure it is very appetizing. It’s my first time to hear that misua can be mixed with seafoods because here, we usually mix it with pork. I’m now craving at your husband’s version. What a good husband you have for cooking for his family. I’m also craving for an icecream in this hot season.

I know that you have a hypertension, but is it the reason why you were dizzy? How did you feel when you were dizzy? Did you lose your balance when you try to get up? I'm just curious because 6-years ago, my vision became dark with with a shining star and it I saw a spiral. It was spinning. It gave me trauma until these days. I'm scared to go out alone because I'm afraid caused by that trauma.

 last month  

I don't know what kind of mine would it be I just observed that when I have consecutive days of lack sleep this will I feel after. All I can see is the sorrundings are moving, walls, stuff it's really traumatic my dear @iamshane48788