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RE: Beautiful and Sublime Sunday- Grateful for Half of the Month of October 2022

Oh no problem bro that's not what I mean or intended by that statement as it felt really good to see your name pop up and hear from you. I meant the individuals I gave the guild to...

What city are you in now? Man that is so sad to hear that guild is not as active anymore can you give me the discord channel link?

And most definitely yeah you should definitely look into warsaken.
Yeah I'm doing a lot better now mentally and I hope you also are doing great.


 2 years ago  

I'm actually living in Dubai right now, I'll just dm you the link at discord.

Okay sure, thank you so much for sending me their discord. I'm glad that you are doing a lot better right now and I hope that that will be continuous and that you'll be able to achieve your dream.

Take care always!