🛺 New Mobile Hive Office Alleviates 50% Of Monthly Diesel Costs 👨‍💻 Monkey-B Becomes Head Dishwasher 🧽 & Watch Srey-Yuu In Terror 😨



I no longer make the roundtrip journey to school twice a day, and instead I now set up a mobile office in my tuk-tuk on some abandoned land.

Fail Then Go ☕


     Normally I start my mornings on too little sleep and with too little time, and it's often only a cup of coffee I have time for before rushing out the door to take the girls to school and work inside the tuk-tuk for 4 hours before returning home. I would love to eat breakfast, but sleep takes precedent these days. Well, on this morning I knew I was going to have a bad day after spilling my cup of coffee all over the place before taking a sip, and with no time to make an attempt number two.

The Mobile Office Space 👨‍💻


     After traveling about 40 minutes and descending the mountain pass, I dropped the kids off and headed over to some abandoned land across from the "hospital." You don't want to visit the place with anything more severe than a sprained ankle, it's very remote, underfunded, and underequipped.


     I bring my camping battery and my mini pc, and it usually takes me another 10 minutes from school to reach the land, set up my work station, and being curating, posting, etc. It's almost either raining or overly sunny and way too hot inside. We are so close to the Thai ocean here that storms can move over the mountains and reach me in less than 5 minutes. This situation is less than ideal, but it saves $2 to $3 a day in fuel costs, and that is big money for my family and I. At 6 days a week, that can ave us up to $72 a month, so it's really not a choice given our current situation.

Monkey-B Elected Head Dishwasher 🗳️


     After a recent family vote, it was determined that Monkey-B needs to be the main dishwasher so that Srey-Yuu can begin learning more complex and time-consuming household chores. Her enthusiasm is so thick that you can cut it with a knife, just look at the above photo for evidence.

Mess With The Best, Die With The Rest 🥷


     For some reason Srey-Yuu thinks she is more alert and aware than me, and sometimes I have to prove she's wrong by hiding and scaring the noodles out of her. Hiding behind the front door is the low-hanging fruit of terrorizing her, and in both of these GIFs you don't really need audio because your imagination can almost play the sound of her screams.


     The above scare is my choicest one, perfect timing, an accomplice in Mey-Yii, and also I managed to catch the reaction on camera. I have watched this one far too many times, and I still can't stop laughing in satisfaction.


Monkey B
 2 years ago  

Ok. New office looks pretty darn good. Will just have to make do with it at your present situation. I'm glad my hide out place is malls with air-condition or the Starbucks across the road.

Sorry for that coffee spill, next time get a container and drink it along the way to school. Don't drink and drive, drive and drink.

Scaring seems to be a thing some 40 years back. My bio bro is 5 years older than me, but goofy enough to play hide and seek with me, and usually he will scare the crap out of my pee hole when he suddenly jump out behind me when I missed him from that hiding spot. But there's this one time we're having noodle at the shop, I suddenly pretend to drop the glass and he did have a long spring noodle came out of his nose. I wish I have a camera to show you when he pull that noodle out from his nose 🤣

 2 years ago  

Funny you mention that, although not Starbucks, there are some local coffee shops in the town, maybe two or three that have attempted the big city style, so eventually I'm going to see if any of them have wi-fi. If so, I can update my Windows, download movies, podcasts, and all the other things I don't want to pay for on our per MB data plan.

I do have a portable insulated coffee mug, but on this day I guess I thought it would be cool to slam a cup and go, but fail I did. Sounds like you and your brother had some naughty fun when you were young, I did too. I can still remember the burn of shooting Dr. Pepper through my nose.

 2 years ago  

Yeaahh..that's a smart solution justin, making tuk-tuk a mobile Hive office is the right choice. The little savings you can put aside in the midst of today's difficult situation is well worth it. Moreover, I got news from @sreypov's post that you have lost a lot of money in your hive wallet because it was stolen by someone, I was very sad to read Sreypov's post at that time. You are a good person justin, but lately you have had a lot of misfortune. Be patient my friend, because after all this misfortune has passed then the next is happiness that awaits you 🙏💪

hahaha..monkey-B looks really cute in the photo, with a purple jacket he looks like he's about to get ready to wash the dishes. Really your children are good children and devoted to their parents 👍

 2 years ago  

Yes, we need to save a little more money each month so we can finish our cabin renovation. We did lost almost $100 of liquid HIVE and HBD, apparently lost because of Chinese spyware on my daughter's laptop. I found out she had downloaded a few Chinese games associated with data leaks, and had also secretly used a friend's TikTok username and password to log in to Tik-Tok. have now deleted all Chinese programs from the computer, but I still need to do spyware and virus scans before I will put her Hive keys back on that laptop.

Monkey-B always brings a big personality to any job, no matter how small it may be.

 2 years ago  

Gas prices nowadays are soaring high! I can hear my husband complaining about it. But what can I do? We need to gas up to be able to use our vehicles. 😁

That $72 is a big savings already.. Face to face school is opening next week here. But the goos thing is our children's school is just a walking distance from our home. So I can make use of the walking them to school and fetching them as an exercise. 😁

 2 years ago  

It used to be always around $1 per liter here, but those days are gone it seems, now we have to be creative and think of ways to be more efficient with our time and money. In time our area will have a school constructed near our home, but the population has to grow a bit first.

"...it's often only a cup of coffee I have time for before rushing out the door..."

Srey-Pov should make you a sandwich that you can take with you! Even if she made it the night before and wrapped it to keep it fresh, it's better than nothing!

"...saves $2 to $3 a day in fuel costs... At 6 days a week..."

The kidlets go to school six days each week over there...? That's pretty intense, for them and you, too!

 2 years ago  

Haha, I'm gonna tell her you said that 😉. Sometime she makes morning snacks, but I really ought to do some food prep in the evenings to ensure a quick morning. 6 days a week unfortunately, only private schools do the 5 day a week thing, but there won't be any opportunities like that for a few years . They basically study year round too, so providing them a terrible public school education is quite a sacrifice being this far away.

That is the great thing about internet and mobile data, you can set up an office anyway. This is a practical solution. Not only do you get to save money but you can get work done as well.

 2 years ago  

Indeed, all that is needed is just to adapt to this new daily routine. With time I'm sure my creativity will improve the tuk-tuk office space.

 2 years ago  

That is a cool mobile office, now you can save your time

 2 years ago  

It is a real time saver, and even though it's not as comfortable as the home office, I am more productive because there are no distractions.

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 2 years ago  



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