๐Ÿฅท Ninja Kicks & Other Inappropriate Fatherly Humor ๐Ÿ™…โ€โ™€๏ธ

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY โ€ข 2 years ago (edited)


There is nothing better than fatherly new boot ninja kicks on to break up the monotonous task of dishwashing on a rainy day.

๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธ Magic Potions โš—๏ธ


ย  ย  ย Monkey-B entertained herself today with some magic potions she made from petals. She put these various potions in empty fruit rinds, and when I came back a few minutes later to check out her potion progress, the potions had become sandwiches.


ย  ย  ย I can't remember if it was a poorly timed fart or a bad Dad joke, but something I said or emitted elicited this bizarre facial expression. It's a little cheeky with a touch of "go away Dad!" After overstaying my welcome in Sandwich-Potionville, I decided to go bother Srey-Yuu.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Do You Know Why I'm Here? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ



ย  ย  ย When I found Srey-Yuu I didn't want to make it obvious that I'd come for photos, so I held my phone nonchalantly while making small chit-chat and waiting for an opportune moment to strike. As soon as I noticed she had dropped her guard a bit, I locked and loaded my most dangerous weapon.


ย  ย  ย Then all of a sudden and without warning, POW ๐Ÿฅท!! I presented my oldest daughter with a lightning fast muddy boot ninja high kick. Srey-Yuu is impressed by little these days, so I was quite satisfied that my mongoose-like reflexes made her laugh in fear. She's actually lucky a piece of mud didn't fly off my boot and hit her in the face, I didn't really think this stunt through properly.


Monkey B
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ย 2 years agoย (edited)ย 

Magic potion with extra fart bomb. Couldn't have imagined that symphony added ear taste ๐Ÿคช Chinese old saying goes, loud fart doesn't smell.

She still hasn't learn to enjoy dish washing huh. Back then, my "closing time" theme wasn't closing time at all. It was

May be the same song can inspire her to enjoy the chores just like what it did to Uncle Dave ๐Ÿ™‚

ย 2 years agoย ย 

As long as I make occasional humorous or morale-boosting visits during dishwashing, Srey-Yuu seems to stay motivated. Funny that you share these videos, yesterday the girls were enjoying me showing them music videos I liked during the 80s and 90s. I'll be sure she watches these to expand her musical horizons.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Hi hi.. Justin.. that is one impressive kick.. hahaha.. Monkey B is going to slowly become a magical wizard. Srey Yuu looks like her mom. Initially when I saw the first thumbnail, I thought is SreyPov..

Washing the dishes are the most satisfying thing to do.. =) That is one super duper great kick.. =) No water here in Miri city for a couple of days.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

There are times when I see Srey-Yuu from a distance and confuse her for her mom. She's gotten so tall very quickly, but still needs an occasional morale boost to finish the dishes.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Hi hi.. Justin.. I am finally free.. hahaa.. yea.. she looks tall... and she has grown up so fast.. hahaha.. I wonder if Monkey B will grow up to be like her mom or a more funny version. hehehe.. It's great to read your post and see how things are going on in Cambodia..=)

ย 2 years agoย ย 

ninja kicks are very dangerous,, that's the last move you take, if your boots come off and hit your daughter's head, hehehe ..... it's certain that the cheerful atmosphere will end with a prayer that's for sure.. ..

for next time be careful if you issue a deadly move or the last move hahaha..... I am very entertained by what you share tonight, I wish you good health and long life and success always....

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Very true, I should think more before kicking. Ninjitsu skills can be dangerous if used improperly ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

ย 2 years agoย (edited)ย 

happy to see your joy with your beloved daughter, you show a harmonious and humorous relationship with your family, I don't know why I had tears in my eyes seeing your closeness with your daughter, I've never felt that, my children are more familiar with their mothers and very shy with me even hard for me to joke around laughing together

ย 2 years agoย ย 

My humor doesn't always land well, half the time I end up with an angry daughter instead of a laughing daughter, but I always try my best.

Are you the mudder or the father?

hard to distinguish, at times like these ;^)

P.S. As you might know, 'modder' is Dutch for 'mud' and 'moeder' Dutch for 'mother'.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Although my Dutch is terrible, I do know moeder, but I have always wondered how one would say "mudder" in Dutch, so now I'm left wondering how you say "modder" in Dutch, one who likes to do modifications to things like motos and cars ๐Ÿค”....

The answer is 'pimper'.

Just kidding, it would probably be the same as the translation for mud: modder.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Wow, well a mother that likes to modify cars for mudding competitions would have quite the title in Dutch ๐Ÿ˜„.

Aw man, I think dad jokes and the resulting Child Expressions must be a global constant. I get the exact same look from my own kids!

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Haha, fart jokes never get old, and farts too. I am quickly becoming an old fart myself. The best farts are when a neighbor thinks you're not listening and lets the freedom roll.

Hahaha. Or... when you're in an office setting and chatting with a fellow - or, rather, listening to a fellow who won't stop talking, and you let out the quietest but most severe gas bombs and just wait... wait... for the moment it hits him, and hits him it does, but he does his best to just... let it roll past. But that initial expression of "OMG, what just died here" is just priceless.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Hahahaha, Surely something like that will happen every day when it rains,this becomes a memory and your story while living in this place.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Indeed, humor is needed no matter the circumstances. I just need to be careful where I fling mud when doing ninja kicks.

Ha ha ha,Surely your daughter will be a little angry if she gets mud on her body.

It is great that you are bonding well with your daughters. Our life needs humor to brighten up the day. Do keep on clowning.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Humor is the only way I know to keep moving forward. Thanks my friend.

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Hahaha. I remember my mother and father who had a loud fart while we are together. Then, they will say it doesn't smells bad. Haha

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Some humor is universal, and I imagine if there are aliens somewhere out there in the universe, that they probably enjoy a good fart on occasion ๐Ÿ˜‚.

I have seen that look before!!!!

ย 2 years agoย ย 

The ole' "Did you fart in the middle of a bad joke?" look.


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Hello Mr Justin Parker, a few days ago I was silenced in the In the Asean hive community, I apologize for the mistakes I made, I as a beginner in this community please forgive and I will correct the mistakes I made a few days ago,
I beg you to give me a chance to fix it

ย 2 years agoย ย Reveal Comment
ย 2 years agoย ย 

Haha, only if we mention it many times and don't give up.

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