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RE: South East Asians (and expats) do flip-flops dominate your footwear?


This is one of the few things I refused to adapt to, even after 10 years. Around the house I'm a flip-flop man in Cambodia, but there are just so much foot dangers in that part of the world, riding a moto at 55 km/h being perhaps the number one most dangerous activity.

I saw so mangled toes and feet in Cambodia, that I chose to always wear closed-toe footwear to avoid any unneeded potential trips to a Khmer doctor. Even at home I had a special pair of closed-toe houseshoes that I wore with socks and long pants to fight off relentless mosquitoes.

That being said, having to constantly take my socks on and off and tie my shoes throughout the day was and still is a price/inconvenience I'm willing to pay. When I visit the USA, I notice it feels even more barbaric to wear outside shoes in the house, even though it's something I was never permitted to do as a child.

 3 years ago  

thought you might like to know that I was exiting my bathroom today and caught my "pinkie toe" on the door frame and now there is blood all over my living room and at my desk. I thought of you and your comment when this happened. I had just woken up too... what a way to start the day!

 3 years ago  

These are the moments in life that remind you that you are alive and this isn't the matrix. I remember an outdoor uncovered spiral staircase I had to use every day when I lived on a second floor apartment in Cambodia.

The whole thing was made of metal, and years of foot traffic had polished the steps to a mirror-like finish. Needless to say sometimes I'd unknowingly step on a bit of water before arriving at the stairs, and that was a very effective stair lubricant, because I slid all the way to the bottom multiple times, and even once almost got ejected before reaching the ground floor.

I am glad you thought of me in this moment, truly honored.🙏🙏

 3 years ago  

You are a rarity in the expat community my friend! I can't think of anyone else that is like this but being unique is a good thing, right?