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RE: 🛬 A Quick Visit To Kentuckiana Before My Return To Cambodia 👨‍🌾 & My 40th Birthday Too 🎉


Yes, a wave of calm washed over me as soon as I gathered my tuk-tuk from storage in the capital and rolled it to the battery shop. Something about being back in Cambodia and solving a problem like a dead tuk-tuk battery by rolling it to a battery shop.

When I was in the USA I mentioned to family that the ease of solving life's daily problems is one of the biggest reasons I live in Cambodia. Even in the smallest of towns there is always an auto/motorbike battery shop, and the casual atmosphere doesn't make it feel weird to push a tuk-tuk down the road. Anyhow, I am finally back and settled, trying to get engaged on Hive again, and more importantly find time to engage. I really need to catch up on your blog my friend, coming soon. Thanks for the b-day wishes.


Can't really compare the USA to The Netherlands and Cambodia to Portugal but I guess, in a way, I can. I easily relate to this :<)