Early Christmas Presents From My Parents + Some Not-So-Happy Story <3 <3 <3

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY3 years ago (edited)

Christmas is just around the corner and most people are already very busy buying stuff as presents for their loved ones. Despite the current situation, it doesn't really hurt to give some simple things to people you care for. Little things may bring greater joy after all.

In my family's case, we are still trying to be happy despite every challenge. Of course, financial problems have been present since the beginning of time, but it's tolerable. We can find solution to this problem. However, a really unexpected trial came recently.

I have an uncle (my mama's younger brother) who lives alone. He used to work in a small carinderia (small store selling cooked food, similar to a food stall but people can dine in since there are some tables and chairs). He helped in cooking there and was striving. During the pandemic, the store was closed, so he didn't have any source of income, so my family sends him some allowance a day after my payday. Some of my aunts and cousins who live nearby occasionally helps him as well. However, last month, he got very ill so we had him checked. One of my cousins assist him, while the other family members inclusing us helps financially. We discovered that he has cancer and has already metastasized.

We can't do anything about it, but we're trying to allow him go on with life as comfortably as possible. We're still hoping for him to recover somehow, but we can never tell. Also, he doesn't know about his condition. We decided against it because he's not that strong mentally and emotionally. Prior this situation, he had some suicidal ideation which was really scary. He told my mama that only my family cared for him (maybe because we constantly keep in touch and try to help him somehow) These days though, he's been happier since my other cousins have been contacting him and showing him that they care.

It's just sad that other people would just remember someone when: a. They need something. OR b. Someone is sick and is in the verge of dying. To be honest, it's frustrating, but since my uncle is happy, I won't say anything and just be happy about it.

We don't know what will happen next but we want to think positively about the situation, but we're also trying to get ourselves ready for the worst. T_T

EDIT: My uncle just passed away. T_T I just don't know what to do anymore...


Enough with this depressing story, let's think of happy thoughts... and one thing I'm happy about are the presents I received from my parents.

Usually, I just ask them for cash on Christmas, so I could use it for bills... haha but this time, I wanted to invest in art materials. I recently bought stuff since I got some vouchers and since it's Christmas season, there are a lot of online sale.


The first that arrived were these babies. I chose stuff from two stores or sellers, but I could get some discount and cashbacks as well. <3



First is this wooden tabletop easel with drawer. I usually just draw or paint on the table, sometimes on my bed... haha This item will allow me to draw more comfortably, and the position of the drawing would be much better than laying the sketchpad or whatever on the table. The drawer would also help me organize my stuff, so I need not take the materials in and out from their boxes.



Next item is a set of paint brushes which came with a free pencil, watercolor postcards and pouch. Since I'm trying to improve and learn more about painting, I decided to get this set to check the differences of these brushes and in which style or situation they're useful. :)


Next item is a dual brush pen. I can use them along with my markers for quick colored drawings. They can also be used for calligraphy and other stuff. It also came with a free coloring book. I already used these stuff in making my previous artwork. :)



The next batch of art materials which arrived are mostly for painting. I bought some canvas pad and watercolor pad. In addition, I also chose some detail brushes.




The second store where I bought these stuff from gave me not only a discount but also a 20% cashback! These items will allow me to paint or draw for a long time. haha It was also my first time using a canvas pad, so I was so excited. Here's the first art work I made using that pad. I posted it a few days ago, but here's the picture.


Somehow, drawing and painting helps me forget reality and all the problems we are facing at the moment. I can relax my mind and my heart from everything. I'm just lucky that my parents are very supportive of my hobbies as well. Anyway, on the practical side, my artworks that I post here can also help us financially since I could also earn. It's a great plus point, I suppose. I don't only enjoy my hobby and improve my craft, but also help my parents more.

I'll end this post here since I need to prepare for my next class. I also still need to discuss a lot of things with my cousins with regards our uncle. sigh Still hoping for the best!



 3 years ago  

Before pandemic as early as November I am starting to gather Christmas gifts for my love ones. But now, I didn't coz of the lack of budget. Maybe I gonna give them few amount of money of what I can afford.

I am so sorry about the loss of your uncle. May his soul rest in peace. 🙏

So nice of you having talent in art. You have great potential. All you purchased are useful for your artwork. 🥰

 3 years ago  

Before pandemic as early as November I am starting to gather Christmas gifts for my love ones. But now, I didn't coz of the lack of budget. Maybe I gonna give them few amount of money of what I can afford.

It's the thought that counts. :)

I am so sorry about the loss of your uncle. May his soul rest in peace. 🙏

Thank you po. ^^

So nice of you having talent in art. You have great potential. All you purchased are useful for your artwork. 🥰

Thanks... yes, I consider it as a kind of investment. :)

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It's a sad truth about human beings. We only care when someone is suffering or dying. Anyway, I don't like that topic to tell you the truth because I'm always afraid of dying. hahaha

Ka nice bas mga gamit oi, diha raka mipalit anang canva or online?Abi kog app oi, sorry na gud ignorant bsta ani na nga matter.hahaha

 3 years ago  

It's a sad truth about human beings. We only care when someone is suffering or dying. Anyway, I don't like that topic to tell you the truth because I'm always afraid of dying. hahaha

It's scary, that's for sure... but that's the only thing that's certain...

Ka nice bas mga gamit oi, diha raka mipalit anang canva or online?Abi kog app oi, sorry na gud ignorant bsta ani na nga matter.hahaha

Lamat... ^^ Sa Lazada na... canvas pad... traditional style man ko, so dli ko anang canva nga app.. aw.. haha xD

I'm so sorry for your loss. That's truly some heart-aching thing to hear especially with the Christmas season approaching. Stay strong!

 3 years ago  

Thank you po... and yes, it's tough to lose someone especially this time of year, but acceptance will always be there. Thanks. :)

 3 years ago  

There is always rainbow after the rain. Keep it strong :).

 3 years ago  

That's for sure... Thank you!

 3 years ago  

Well, not only can you enjoy creating more art with the new materials, but you can share it with HIVE and make more money to buy more materials. Nothing better than monetizing what you love.

 3 years ago  

Yes... It's a nice investment... Both in HIVE and in improving my craft.

 3 years ago  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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Hello, tegoshei thanks for sharing a slice of your life even the sad part, losing a family member can be rough! I saw your profile through the "30 Days Blogging Challenge."

 3 years ago  

Ohh... hi... thanks for dropping by with your kind message... :) It takes me back... I did start a 30-day blogging challenge in the past. haha ^^ Have a great one! :D

Out of curiosity what is your MBTI type? I’m curious 🤩

 3 years ago  

hahaha... INFP-A.. :)

Oh wow, that's interesting... I'm INFP-T! Welcome to club feelers hehe!

 3 years ago  

I'm not that familiar with these types in general, though... haha It's still cool to know we belong to the same type... ^^

 3 years ago  

My uncle just passed away. T_T I just don't know what to do anymore...

My condolences to you and your family. Your uncle was lucky to have a caring family 🙏

First is this wooden tabletop easel with drawer.

Wow, that is a cool tabletop. Your drawing is amazing too 👍👍