Time is running inexorably.

in CATSNAPS4 years ago

Last week the cat named Benya turned 4 months old 🤘🏾.
So, during these months of his hectic life, what did we manage to find out about him: ⠀
• he loves avocados. seriously, can safely eat the whole fruit
• loves cucumbers (but always without the peel)
• ice cream and butter are also his favorite delicacies
• he moves around the house by jumps, saltocks and loves to fly from point A to point B, because someone is hunting him all the time)
• if he (someone) doesn't like something, he does "tsyk-tsyk" as a person)) at first they thought that he was sneezing like that 🙂
• contrary to the description on the Internet of this breed (Scottish Fold) as very friendly, rather like a British - he practically does not sit with his arms folded, allows himself to be stroked only when he wakes up or is hungry, scratches and bites completely and frighteningly opens his mouth before the attack, as it were warns of impending danger 😅 ♥ ️.

But with all this, it still remains a common favorite in the family, with whom it is always fun and interesting.

One of the distinguishing features of cats of this breed is that they can stand on their hind legs like gophers. It's funny, because they also resemble humans.


My older cat Furry is the same - she likes to be stroked only when she wants, usually after she wakes up.😀

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