[En]/[Spa] Plants and rest🍃/ Plantas y descanso 🍃

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago


Hello Herbal Hive community 💚 delighted with a new challenge. Although here at home we don't rest from using medicinal plants when I read the challenge post [First Challenge](https://ecency.com/hive-141827/@theherbalhive/the-first-challenge-of-2022-for-the-herbal-hive), I couldn't help but think of a tea that a neighbor gave us two years ago, when the pandemic started.

When the pandemic started, the lockdown began, we were left without work and anxiety consumed us. Then the lack of work caused them to break into several houses in the city and so the community came together to prevent this from happening in our area.

At that time we started visiting our downstairs neighbor 😀 and she always had a new plant. One night he gave us tea, and when we went up to the house we were sleepy very early, my husband fell asleep and I was half a zombie watching a movie.

My husband was so asleep that he was talking to himself, he even turned off my computer. I fell asleep and the next day I woke up as if nothing had happened. When I told my husband he did not remember anything and felt that he had rested a lot.

We didn't hesitate to ask our neighbor that she had the tea and she told us that hers was a mixture of cayenne, lemongrass and Manzanilla.

After that day, whenever we see cayenne flowers we pick some and dry them for storage.

Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is one of my favorite plants, it is very noble and has multiple uses, one of them is calming and relaxing. Her sweet smell is pure love


Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) This is where the scientific name comes in handy. Also known as malojillo. Its mild lemon flavor is ideal for flu ailments. It's also relaxing. It's also my favorite, it's just not recommended for people with low blood pressure.


Cayenne (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is a red flower that grows on large bushes, it has a sedative effect.


I have used both chamomile and lemongrass to sleep. But if I want to ensure rest: a triple action tea is ideal


Another technique that works very well for me is taking a bath with chamomile water 😁 it takes away all the evils of the day. Super relaxing 😊.

I could not miss a massage with a body butter, when you apply it to the skin you feel that it turns into a hot oil. moment of total relaxation


So with these little tips, I can rest from day to day. Many times worry keeps us awake at night, however we must not let ourselves be overwhelmed by it.

Sometimes by trying to solve everything you get tired mentally, physically and spiritually. And you don't solve anything. More than you, routines, it is a calm mind that helps us to have a restful sleep

PS: While I'm writing this post, I had a cayenne, chamomile and lemongrass tea and I'm more asleep than awake.


Hola comunidad Herbal Hive 💚 encantada de un nuevo reto. Aunque aquí en casa no descansamos de usar las plantas medicinales cuando leí el post del reto [First Challenge](https://ecency.com/hive-141827/@theherbalhive/the-first-challenge-of-2022-for-the-herbal-hive) no puede evitar pensar en un te que nos dió hace dos años una vecina, cuando inicio la pandemia.

Cuando inicio la pandemia, inicio el encierro, nos quedamos sin trabajo y la ansiedad nos consumía. Luego la falta de trabajo hizo que irrumpieran en varias casas de la ciudad y así la comunidad se unió para evitar que en nuestra zona ocurriera.

En ese momento comenzamos a visitar a nuestra vecina de abajo 😀 y ella siempre tenía alguna planta nueva. Una noche nos dió un te, y al subir a la casa teníamos sueño muy temprano, mi esposo se durmió y yo quedé medio zombie viendo una película.

Mi esposo estaba tan dormido que hablaba solo, hasta me apagó la computadora. Yo me dormí y al día siguiente me desperté como si nada. Cuando le conté a mi esposo el no se acordaba de nada y sentía que había descansando mucho.

No dudamos en preguntarle a nuestra vecina que tenía el te y nos dijo que era una mezcla de cayena, limoncillo y Manzanilla.

Después de ese día, siempre que vemos flores de cayena recogemos algunas y las secamos para guardarlas.

Manzanilla (Chamaemelum nobile) es una de mis plantas favoritas, es muy noble y con múltiples usos, uno de ellos es como calmante y relajante. Su olor dulce es amor puro


Limoncillo (Cymbopogon citratus) aquí es cuando el nombre cientifico es de mucha ayuda. Conocido también como malojillo. Su suave sabor a limón es ideal para malestares de gripe. También es relajante. Es también mi favorito, solo que no es recomendable para las personas de tensión baja.


Cayena (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) es una flor roja que crece el grandes arbustos, tiene un efecto sedante.


Tanto la manzanilla como el limoncillo lo he utilizado para dormir. Pero si quiero asegurar el descanso: un te triple acción es lo ideal

Otra técnica que me resulta muy bien es bañarme con agua de manzanilla 😁 se quita todos los males del dia. Super relajante 😊.


No me podía faltar un masaje con una body butter, cuando la aplicas en la piel sientes que se convierte en un aceite caliente. Momento de relajación total


Así que con estos pequeños tips, puedo descansar del día a día. Muchas veces la preocupación nos quita el sueño, sin embargo no hay que dejarse embargar por ello.

A veces por tratar de resolver todo te cansas mental, física y espiritualmente. Y no resuelves nada. Más que te, rutinas, es una mente tranquila que nos ayuda a un descanso reparador

PD: mientras escribo el post, me tomé un te de cayena, manzanilla y limoncillo y estoy más dormida que despierta.






Herbal teas are popular for rest and sleep! I had no idea that lemongrass made you sleepy. I can imagine the sweet lemony fruitiness of this tea!

I love the addition of a body butter - self massage can really help with rest. I made a oil salve thingie with infused st john's wort which is amazing for depression and body aches etc so sometimes I rub myself with that before bed.

Great post.

If lemongrass is relaxing. I like very much. Lately I'm experimenting with more body butter, I'll make a mint one for legs tired from the daily grind. St. John's wort is sometimes confused here for a certain hehe. thanks always for your comments

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