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RE: And they wondered: What's wrong with these people?

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago

I can't describe how much honored I feel that you shared your story here.

so I took control of my own healing.

What a brave desicion! It needs a lot of strength and you obviously have more than enough :) I loved reading your powerful story and the calm way with which you describe an unbelievable adventure. I am so happy you found the herbal remedies that work for you (and your husband), I believe it was your intuition and your open heart that led you to this path and it is always so exciting to listen to inspirational stories like yours!
I wish doctors were more aware of alternatives other than prescripted drugs, luckily your doctor was supportive.

This is a beautiful community, a cosy corner with people that love sharing their wisdom. It is amazing what we can learn from each other.

@theherbalhive aka @riverflows is an excellent host :)

I would also like to share some posts I found very useful here when I first started a few months ago and hopefully can be helpful to you as well.
First of all, this post by wonderful @sjarvie5, as well as this one.

I read your posts and they are so interesting, deep and heartfelt. As far as I know, accompanying your posts with nice photos is a great plus. If you don't have photos, maybe using an image bank, but always refer to the source. Communities are also great. Apart from The HerbalHive, you can check on HiveGarden, Abundance Tribe, ecoTrain or the relaxing Wednesday Walk, maybe Ladies of Hive and I guess there are more that I haven't discovered yet. It is a great way to connect easier with people with common interests.

I will be really glad to help with any questions!
Truly happy to meet you here!