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RE: Technic Excavator Coolness

in LEGOlast year

That's awesome! I've got a massive tote of Lego at my parents house that my mom has been a bitch and hoarding from me despite my brother not having kids nor going to have kids. I think we've likely got some of the same Lego sets from those years ago! One of the things that we had a lot of were the Japanese style sets with flags and cool looking architecture lol. I'm hoping to get those Legos back one day.. not sure when but it better be soon! I think the tote is easily about 80 pounds or so, tens of thousands of pieces lol

I'm not looking forward to the day he outgrows them though! I know I did, as you did, as we get older but then you reach a certain age and want to get back into them.


She is denying you legos!!! That’s grounds for a sneak in while they are gone and steal them type of move. Lol.

I’m thinking about holding a guess the weight contest. I have like 3-4 totes full. I have no clue what they weigh. I’m gonna take them to the shop at work and weigh them on the big scale. Maybe dish out like 10 HBD and 10 Hive… just for fun but mostly my own curiosity. 😜😜