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RE: Sometimes there's milk and cookies

in LEGO3 years ago

Details aren't important, he can't prove it. I hope you EMA'd potential witnesses too...loose lips sink the ship.
I mean at least he was at the right place to get patched afterwards, I think that is considerate and a gentleman thing to do.

MMMM...Home made pizza!! Always the best kind. I made some of that a couple days ago with a big fat Caesar salad (or maybe it was a bacon and cheese salad with romaine lettuce bits, my memory can be fuzzy :p)


It always pays to take out a few potential witnesses, even just to dissipate some of the residual EMAness.

Yeah, pizza! I'm doing a tomato salad with it...Cherry tomatoes, red onion, basil, olive oil, dijon mustard, salt, cider vinegar. Just basic. Should be good. I could go a Caesar salad though. No stuff to make it though. My tomato salad will work though I guess.

Less is more, sounds delish! I like that with balsamic vinegar instead of ACV too. I always have stuff to make caesar salad...except they weird green lawn looking thing that people put in it. (JK I have romaine too most times). It's a quick meal when I feel wilted. (or hungry in the middle of the night). Working nightshift for most of my life I still get hungry at 10:30 pm, 2 am and 6 am sleeping or at work. This beast machine can be on a timer.

It's weird how the body remembers an eating habit right? I'm sure there's some boffin around the place who knows the reason why too! 🤪

Being winter here I'm not on the salads so much but when over at the market today picking up pizza stuff I saw dem tomato's and figured they would go with the pizza. It's a big bowl of tomato salad for a single fella, expecially with the pizza as well, but I reckon I'll cope. It might end up on toast later tonight for a snack. 😏

Beast timing is a feature on the next-generation iWatch I've heard.

I bet the STEM Lassies and Lads could indeed answer that.

Funny how things are reversed for us, we are beginning of summer...just about. Wouldn't it be ironic to take a warm vacation to Canada to escape Auz winter someday!!! (I really shouldn't be left on my own to think with keyboard access...don't delete me lmao :D)

You also don't have to eat them all at once, they do keep a couple of days!

I kinda want to line up for a couple of days for such a device, will it be equipped with automatic EMA target updates as well?

Dem STEM geeks know all!

I'd love to hit Canada, the only problem is I might want to stay as I've heard it is awesome. So is Australia of course, but a change of scenery could be good.

So,you mean I don't have to eat everything all at once? Damn it,took me 51 years to find that out! I'll say though, I'm eating all of that pizza! 🙄

Oh yes, that new device will have a deserves to be fucken' EMA'd targeting system so no one deserving a good EMA thrashing will escape notice. It comes with interchangeable coloured bezels and straps too so will suit any outfit also. 🤣

lmfao matchy matchy and versatility! Exactly what I didn't know I needed!

It has it's embarrassing moments but still probably one of the better places to be and wouldn't change living here. I did move 4000km and it's like living in a different country, if that counts a s a change of scenery, yes it can be liberating.

I'll get my people [myself] to speak to the EMA watch people and get one sent to you. You're welcome.

I'd love to move countries actually. I like the adventure of it. New people, places...New me!