Monomad: Portraits of A Coastal Woman

in Black And White2 years ago

Here are coming up with another entry for the daily monomad challenge. This time I am still excited to share some pictures of a coastal woman who makes up her life from the sea. As I love to deal with village theme photography, I did not want to miss these human portraits. Thru these pics, we can know the other side of the people who never give up to fight for a better life even she has to work hard under the bright side. I took these photos when she was taking a rest after working as a salt maker.




Thank You


Stunning photographs of a real person! You can see the dedication to hard work in her fair, but weather-worn face. You did well to capture these images. The B&W aspect only reinforces the sense of hard work and simple determination.

Thanks for sharing this powerful post!


Thank a lot @braveboat for rating my work

Those first two images, with the background in white, are superb... Very nice work!