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RE: Here We Go Again

in Black And White3 years ago

Yeah… technically "murder" is a legal term, but it still carries a different everyday language kind of meaning than "kill" does.

The police always seem so eager to phrase their crimes in the least impactful and most passive way possible. Not sure if you heard about Johnny Hurley, who was murdered by police here in Colorado a while back.

Guess how they described their fatal fuckup?

"Johnny was shot and killed by a police bullet."


With the way the laws are written here, those cops have a snowball's chance in hell of catching a murder charge. Doesn't change the nature of what they did in the least.

I did hear about that, entirely thanks to hive, it never really made it into the media around here. Yeah, that tracks. Fuckin hell. It's doubly galling when you think about how their language changes when somebody does that to one of them. I guess "Coward cops ambush and kill Good Samaritan" didn't fit with their self-image too well.

think about how their language changes when somebody does that to one of them

The hypocrisy is unbelievable. Officers of peace, my ass.

And in the rare case when they are charged with murder, shit like this happens.