Here We Go Again

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the Kentucky Attorney General's announcement not to charge anyone with the killing of Breonna Taylor (one officer was charged for firing into a neighboring apartment).


This time last year LMPD had barricaded and blockaded downtown already, blocking streets with dump trucks and concrete barriers, erecting fences and setting up checkpoints.


Supposedly, nobody knew what the decision would be but we took preemptive preparations such as these to be a bad sign.


Our suspicions were soon proven correct and the AG's announcement touched off a sequence of events that would make that week the wildest, longest, most insane week of my life.


That night a year ago was the sort that nightmares are made of. When it finally came to an end my partner had been arrested while acting as a medic and I'd been flashbanged and pursued (along with hundreds of others) by LMPD until the pursuit culminated in a shooting that left two LMPD officers wounded.


Today I received word that there's an action planned for tomorrow to mark the anniversary. Among other things, the flyer that I saw mentioned that it was imperative to wear black, which sounds eerily like a call for a black bloc. I have a bad feeling about this but I can hardly not be there, y'all keep us in your thoughts tomorrow.


If you want to know more about that day a year ago, check out Emotional Day In Louisville and Apocalypse Now 2020 Style, two posts I wrote about it in the immediate aftermath.


Good luck man, stay safe and remember curling into a ball is like a red rag to the LMPD. They ain't always dickheads when shit goes down, but 99% of the time it can go way south.

Fingers crossed your next post will be up soon with no bodily harm.

Thanks man. No worries about the curling into a ball, my problem is usually figuring out when it's time for the bugout boogie.

Fair enough, just be ready for the bugout. Missing the memo can be painful 😁

Will do, you ain't kidding!

Best wishes for tomorrow dude. Stay safe and take lots of incriminating pics of cops being shitheads.

the killing of Breonna Taylor

Murder. It was murder. Fuck no-knock warrants.

Appreciate that.

take lots of incriminating pics of cops being shitheads

That I most assuredly will be doing.

Murder it was, I blame that phrasing on old habits inflicted upon me by anal retentive history professors. Fuckers had to lie to even get the warrant in the first place. They officially banned no knocks after that here in Louisville but it remains to be seen whether that will amount to much.

Yeah… technically "murder" is a legal term, but it still carries a different everyday language kind of meaning than "kill" does.

The police always seem so eager to phrase their crimes in the least impactful and most passive way possible. Not sure if you heard about Johnny Hurley, who was murdered by police here in Colorado a while back.

Guess how they described their fatal fuckup?

"Johnny was shot and killed by a police bullet."

With the way the laws are written here, those cops have a snowball's chance in hell of catching a murder charge. Doesn't change the nature of what they did in the least.

I did hear about that, entirely thanks to hive, it never really made it into the media around here. Yeah, that tracks. Fuckin hell. It's doubly galling when you think about how their language changes when somebody does that to one of them. I guess "Coward cops ambush and kill Good Samaritan" didn't fit with their self-image too well.

think about how their language changes when somebody does that to one of them

The hypocrisy is unbelievable. Officers of peace, my ass.

And in the rare case when they are charged with murder, shit like this happens.

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already a year. In SA the cops would have the water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets ready to go. And don’t be fooled, rubber bullets have killed many people here. Good luck my friend. Stay safe!

You or me neither one, those memories are way too fresh for it to have been a year. LMPD doesn't have water cannons (those went out of style here after the bad optics from the civil rights movement) but they have plenty of other toys to make up for it. They call rubber bullets less than lethal munitions here but the 'less than' part requires them to be employed a certain way and usually that's not how there used here either.

Thank you for that, I'll do my best!

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