Flood Photography In B&W


Is flood photography a thing? Louisville is a river town and nothing says river town quite like a good flood. This town is no stranger to floods although it's been a few years since we had a proper one. These photos are from the last time the Ohio River got too big for its britches back in 2018.


Locals still talk about 'The Great Flood' that happened back in 1937 which left nearly seventy percent of the city underwater. Compared to that flood the one in the photos is pretty minor but there's a certain dystopian feel to wandering about a flooded city that I wanted to share.


Mother Nature has a keen sense of humor it seems.


La Niña is in effect right now and that usually means we're in for the wet around here. That was also the case in 2018 when these were taken, wouldn't be surprised if I get a chance to take new flood photos before spring is through.


Floods are trash magnets. Pretty much any time the river gets out of its banks it collects a flood of trash to go along with the water. Growing up we were just a fifteen minute hike from the Kentucky River, so when it would flood we'd grab our .22 rifles and head for the river to go hunt 'plastic ducks'.


Plastic bottles, aerosol cans, household appliances, automobile parts, you name it, it was floating in the river. Even had a propane tank in my sights once. Don't recommend shooting those though...


With the way the weather just keeps getting wilder I suspect there will be much more opportunities for flood photography in the future. Is there a particularly type of weather you like to take photos of?


Definitely best to avoid the propane tank man, remember a buddy was drunk and shot one with a 12 gauge... Not sure how were still alive.

Flood photography is definitely a thing.

You make floods look good.

Lol, I just about found that out the hard way. Already had the tank in my crosshairs when my dad realized what I was aiming at and knocked the muzzle upwards to throw off my shot. I have an uncle that shot one with an AR, he swears he'll never do that again.

Well if all this global warming stuff is even slightly accurate I should get plenty more opportunities for it 😎

Thank ya!