Fucking Around On A Friday

Me and cold weather have never been on what I would call speaking terms, when it gets frosty out I tend to hibernate, sometimes don't get the camera out for weeks on end. Recently we've had a string of spring days and I've been trying to make the most of it before Mother Nature changes her mind again.

Friday was one of those grey, cloudy days where the air just smells like rain, but the (digital) mercury was in the 60s. Been flirting with the idea of systematically working my way through each of Louisville's neighborhoods doing mini photo projects on each, couldn't pass up that weather for a scouting run.

Headed for Clifton and Crescent Hills, two neighboring neighborhoods along Frankfort Avenue, to the east of downtown. Many of the neighborhoods in Louisville were once separate towns and communities, since consumed by the city as it grew. Some of them still retain a bit of that small town feel and you can sort of see that along Frankfort, shops and restaurants within walking distance of homes along the side streets.

Was mostly there to get a feel for the lay of the land and maybe do a little street photography, the documenting of the neighborhoods is for another day. It's one of the more walkable ones in this patchwork of small towns masquerading as a city, which makes it a better hunting ground for street photography.

There's an inverse relationship between the number of joggers and the number of gunshots you hear in an area. This area got gentrified back in the 90s, so it's pretty safe for the yuppie professional types that seem to inhabit the area.

If you stand in the middle of the railroad tracks and squint towards the west, you can just make out some of the taller buildings downtown. There's enough money here that they get the 'No Train Horn' crossings, where the trains don't try to wake the dead at 3am. They just save that for my side of town.

You know how the hippies got older and settled down? That's this area's vibe, still a little weird but over the drink and drug fueled debauchery of the Highlands. Didn't know they were bringing back sun worshipping, Sol Invictus approves.

That looks like a sign I should quit fucking around with this and call it a night. Y'all be good or be good at it.


Hope the weather continues to improve and you bring us more of these shots!

Fingers crossed! It's headed in the right direction at the very least :)

Today the sun is shining in our city, the weather is starting to warm up, but in the next few days, rain is predicted again. Yes, these clouds look beautiful.

Better take some photos!

The pictures are amazing
Nowadays it seems the weather is really getting hot as day goes by

Thank you!
The whole planet is getting hot but it's still winter here, albeit a mild one. Stay cool!

Excellent every photo. 😍

Sometimes I always find it difficult which one to go for between cold or hot weather

It's an easy choice for me, I want nothing to do with the cold :)

Siempre tus fotos son muy hermosas y originales.. reflejos de ciudades de Norteamérica..

Gracias por esas amables palabras, solo intento compartir lo que veo.