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RE: MONOMAD - November 3rd - What's Up With All Those Single Image Posts For #Monomad??

I have some some questions...

If I post the color versions of my photos to my blog and then come here and post the b&w versions, does that count as recycling content? The requirement that it be posted from within the community kinda seems to create a perverse incentive for single image posts. I'm still a bit foggy on communities and cross posting but it seems like if there's anything I want to post in a different community but also fits here, then I have to choose between the two or else post the pertinent photos here and the main post in the other. Am I missing/misunderstanding something about how all this works?

 4 years ago (edited) 

Posting black and white versions of images previously published in full color it's not considered spam at all.

Regarding your second observation.. I don't quite understand why do you think that asking users to post in any specific community can be seen as a perverse incentive for single image posts. Care to elaborate on that one?

EDIT: The general idea behind communities is to organize content according to topic.
If you choose to post in a certain community the post will be visible not only to your own followers but also to all the members of that said community. So it will help with visibility and it will reach people with the same interests a lot faster.

Awesome, thanks for clearing that up. As for the second observation I was thinking of when writing for a different community, say travelfeed or haveyoubeenhere. Whereas before I would just use the tag and put everything into the one post, now it seems like I have to choose between the communities. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to put most everything into the first post and just hold back the one or two I thought best to post here for the competition. I've tried to refrain from that but the temptation was definitely there.

 4 years ago (edited) 

So the competition factor in #monomad is what triggers that temptation to post much lower effort content in our community than in some others?
Genuine question here.

Not really, at least if I'm understanding what you mean by competition factor correctly. Think game theory, assuming effort is a zero sum game (it's not exactly but it's close enough), with more posts to accomplish the same thing there is less effort for each. I think the ones posting lower effort content want to be a part of the competition still but their focus is elsewhere.