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Hey Mark Zuckerberg, I Meta your mother last night! There's probably more egregious examples of putting lipstick on a pig but I can't think of one at the moment. Anybody making book on how long this lasts?


It's Friday once again and that means the weekend is near and the #fridayfreewrite is here! Who's got big plans for the weekend? I'll be moving so have some fun for me!


I hate moving! I'm pretty sure I've said 'I'm never doing that again' after every time I've moved. Still, as much as I detest it, it's a good excuse to go through all those things that seem to accumulate and purge some stuff. If I can't remember why I still have it, it's probably time for it to go...


Ever stop and reflect on why you have something? The more I do it the less stuff I have. Well, except when it comes to books... Kinda makes you wonder how many versatile solutions for modern living does one really need?


I'm listening to Speed Trap Town by Jason Isbell and it reminded me of something I've long wondered. How do the police enforce speed limits where you live? Here in Kentucky the cops ignore it as long as you're only doing 10mph over the posted limits and on the interstates in the cities will even ignore 15 mph over. Just across the river in Ohio it seems revenue generation is the mission and they take to it with relish. The smaller the town the more likely it is that there's a cop lurking next to where the speed limit drops.

One of the headaches of driving cross country is figuring out what you can get away with. Usually I just try and imitate how the people with local tags are driving but that only gets you so far. There's been a few times I've declined to do so and shortly thereafter encountered that local pulled over. Your mileage may vary... Hey @brandt, are half the people living in Colorado now transplants? When I was there it seemed like even a lot of the people with Colorado tags did not know how to drive on mountain roads.

People's Guide To Law Enforcement Laxity, now there's a project!


Team Jesus hasn't been getting too many draft picks as of late it seems. Wonder what league they play in? Anybody else still follow sportsball? As a kid I would read the paper every day and pour over the baseball box scores and stats but now I find myself unable to muster the same enthusiasm. Don't get me wrong, I still love to play sports but following them, not so much. The tribalism that goes with sports teams seems a little too much like politics and there's already enough of that to go around, thanks. (If you're bored, check out the Nika riots when politics and sports mixed so well that tens of thousands died.)


Time for me to sail off into the sunset weekend, thanks for joining me for this weekly ramble. One last thing before I go, if you're looking for a landscape photography contest, check out @travelcontest's post about their current contest.


are half the people living in Colorado now transplants

Yep. Of course that does include me (I moved here in 2014), but at least I know how to fuckin' drive in the mountains :) Colorado has some of the worst drivers I've ever encountered in my life. If you pass through here be careful; just because someone has CO plates doesn't mean they know what they're doing.

Re: speeding, I'd say in general you can get away with it more in the big cities… just be really careful in rural areas, you do not want to get harassed by some of the small mountain town pigs around here.

Team Jesus looks like the kind of folk that would walk into a grocery store and start shooting people…


One of my good friends moved there about the same time, lives outside Manitou Springs. I learned to drive in the Appalachian Mountains so driving in the Rockies was like being back home. Red River Gorge was nearby so the tourists and transplants who can't drive were familiar as well. I'm pretty sure that even if you didn't know how to drive Yolo McFukitol would make up for it.

small mountain town pigs around here

I'm a bit familiar with the type, I know what you mean. Didn't run into any in CO while I was there but did have a run-in with a local yokel in Kansas and it was enough fun that I intend never to set foot in that state again. Nothing bad happened to me and the cop made himself look like a complete idiot and never even realized it but it was a closer call than I cared for.

kind of folk that would walk into a grocery store and start shooting

I'm glad I'm not the only one that got that vibe from them.

a run-in with a local yokel in Kansas

I got pulled over in South Dakota once for going 3 over the speed limit. Yeah THREE OVER.

I had it on cruise pegged at speed limit and coming up a hill my old car gunned it to try and hold peg so of course it put me a bit over as I crested, and there was a state trooper parked up there and the second I saw him I knew he was going to harass me… because I had CO plates. I'll never forget that piece of shit. Thankfully nothing bad happened, but I got pulled over and harassed for no f***ing reason. Lucky I got white skin.

Someday I'll be mulling a move as well. I'm a "born on the wrong coast" kind of guy. Plopped out back east, but always had my eyes to the west. The only thing that gets me are the earthquakes. We had one here in Pennsylvania years ago, and it freaked everybody out, cause that crap is supposed to happen in Cali and such. I was at my grandmothers house when stuff started rocking, but she didn't bat an eye. They say: "If the land is moving, you should too!" So we'll see.

It's starting to get chilly here now, and they're doing that silly switchover from standard time, to that unnatural DST. Blink your eyes, and it'll be spring before you know it. Have a nice weekend! :)

The west is nice, and so different from this coast. I've lived in Kentucky my whole life but if I ever move anywhere it'll probably be Oregon. I think an earthquake would be fun (I use that word loosely) or at least interesting to photograph the aftermath. I camped in Yellowstone during an earthquake swarm and slept through hundreds without even knowing (I didn't find out until later). I've only felt one and that was more noticing things in the house rocking than me actually feeling it. We've got the New Madrid fault line out near western Kentucky, which made the Mississippi River run backwards the last time it let loose properly. We did have to worry about breaking of into the Pacific from one though...

I hope you're right, I hate winter. Ever since I worked security at a bar on Halloween night that coincided with DST I have hated it with a passion. Of all the nights of the year to give people an extra hour to get schmammered, that's probably the worst...

Thanks so much for the mention and support!

I couldn't agree more about FB, it is a pig with a tinkler, as we say here.
Pushing millions of people into the virtual all-shit direction (only for the sake of taking more money from them and showing them more ads) is simply awful. Sorry, ZB, I'm not buying it :D

You're more than welcome!

Pig with a tinkler, I'll have to remember that one 😄 It does sound delightfully terrible, I hope nobody is buying it but I'm not especially optimistic... Thanks for dropping by!

I love that apothecary pic. ARe you into herbs?

Great first lines. I watched half of that meta video and I think you nailed it there. Terrible!

Thanks! My granny always was and she passed some of that along to me but I don't do much with them these days. That photo is from the apothecary in the pioneer village at Spring Mill State Park.

You watched more than I could manage, I couldn't figure out how anybody could take any of that seriously.

 3 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!


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Oh, man, the Nika riots. Blues and Greens waging war at the hippodrome and beyond!