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RE: Below Optimal

in Black And White6 months ago

Hehehe I like the word funky. I like funk. I like to funk it up and get the funk out and tell people to go funk themselves. I wanna have funk funk funk 'til daddy takes the t-bird away.

I like how funk and funky has both positive and negative attributes.

That's a funky sweater.
The attic smells funky.
I'm in a funk.


Dig those funky beats.
Let's get funky.
Play that funky music, white boy.

That last line was a little redundant but I only just woke up 45 minutes ago.
So good to hear from you!


You make some excellent points here. It is indeed versatile. I don't think I can like it though. :) I think it is kind of like pareidolia. A type of apophenia, I believe is the term, where you relate certain things that don't necessarily make sense to relate. Like a certain feeling with a shape or something. Yep, I relate funk with unpleasantness. Ha. Idk.

I've got Play that funky music, white boy on loop in my head now, and who knows, maybe this will rewire me to like "funk." :)

Good to see you(r writen words) too.

No need to like da funk if you don't like da funk!

I have my funky associations, too. I can't think of any right now though cuz my brain is all funked up.

Sorry about the song. If it's any consolation it's in my head now, too, after reading your comment.

It finally left my head...and then I read this comment...and its back. I will keep you posted on the status ;)