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RE: Monomad Historical Glimpse

in Black And White8 months ago (edited)

There's a quality that I call "beautiful desolation" that I noticed as a kid when looking at old ruins of an abandoned building.

I first saw it in a tiny old train station that I toured as a 10-year old. Where others saw a ceved-in mess, I imagined how it must have looked in its Victorian heyday, and the lives it once contained.

All of the photos you posted have a certain rustic charm to them, the title shot shares so much character with the viewer. Even describing the "bones" of a building, evokes images in the mind of a once living, breathing structure, or a skeletal form just waiting to be reanimated. I hope this place gets the restoration and reuse that it deserves. Thanks for sharing. :)


Wow now THATS how you engage! Super thoughtful reply and I was just hoping the images would convey some of that beautiful desolation feel.

I will post more shots and a bit of a historical story today and follow this long story as it progresses toward refurbishment for the community.