Monomad Historical Glimpse


Although I do not consider myself much of a photographer, here is my entry for the monomad challenge. I do follow some great photographers here including @daveks, @tattoodjay and #monomad allstars @bluemoon @sagesigma @scubahead and @lightcaptured. This post is also a teaser for my best attempt at a @slobberchops Urban Exploration post I may drop tomorrow. Enough teaser and namedropping for you?

The "Cooper Site"


I will have to save the story and history for my #urbex post but suffice to say, this photo shoot is 15 years in the making for me. The place I am visiting has been abandoned, derelict and the topic of conversation ever since I moved to this small Canadian town. A big waste of space in the middle of town that everyone seems to have a great idea how it should be used, but nothing has happened...'til now.


I only hoped that my feeling of having walked into a black and white movie, imagining ghosts of decades past going about their business. I suppose I have to give you a hint of some of the reading I did before the tour.


I lifted this picture from ~~~ embed:TrainPorn/comments/js196a/1958_canadian_national_railway_cn_steam/ in a reddit #trainporn thread. At the heart of this community is a long dead train servicing facility along the Canadian National Railway line. Colourized but still state of the art in 1958 reddit metadata:fFRyYWluUG9ybnxodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvVHJhaW5Qb3JuL2NvbW1lbnRzL2pzMTk2YS8xOTU4X2NhbmFkaWFuX25hdGlvbmFsX3JhaWx3YXlfY25fc3RlYW0vIGluIGEgcmVkZGl0ICN0cmFpbnBvcm4gdGhyZWFkLiAgQXQgdGhlIGhlYXJ0IG9mIHRoaXMgY29tbXVuaXR5IGlzIGEgbG9uZyBkZWFkIHRyYWluIHNlcnZpY2luZyBmYWNpbGl0eSBhbG9uZyB0aGUgQ2FuYWRpYW4gTmF0aW9uYWwgUmFpbHdheSBsaW5lLiAgQ29sb3VyaXplZCBidXQgc3RpbGwgc3RhdGUgb2YgdGhlIGFydCBpbiAxOTU4fA== ~~~


I might have a candidate for the highly-contested #reflections community here. Rain collecting on a century old floor reflecting the ribs of an industrial dinosaur.


The sky was grey that day so you might think this is black & white but there is a touch of blue in the sky.



Brings me back to the title shot. This one just weighs on me for the tons of antique iron standing in rows. Each engineered to be identical but now each unique for the trials of the test of time. Sentinels still reverberating with the hum of thousands of heavy metal impacts. Timeless perspective and dreams of what this space can become.



I am honoured to curate for:

Be sure to tune in tomorrow when I will unleash some colour shots, people pictures, and perhaps a history lesson.


Urban industrial style, I'd say. Some awesome captures and I am deeply grateful for following me and supporting my works!


Excellent post, really beautiful photos, congratulations friend, best regards 🙋🙋🙋

There's a quality that I call "beautiful desolation" that I noticed as a kid when looking at old ruins of an abandoned building.

I first saw it in a tiny old train station that I toured as a 10-year old. Where others saw a ceved-in mess, I imagined how it must have looked in its Victorian heyday, and the lives it once contained.

All of the photos you posted have a certain rustic charm to them, the title shot shares so much character with the viewer. Even describing the "bones" of a building, evokes images in the mind of a once living, breathing structure, or a skeletal form just waiting to be reanimated. I hope this place gets the restoration and reuse that it deserves. Thanks for sharing. :)

Wow now THATS how you engage! Super thoughtful reply and I was just hoping the images would convey some of that beautiful desolation feel.

I will post more shots and a bit of a historical story today and follow this long story as it progresses toward refurbishment for the community.

Love this. Especially the reflection shot, suuuuperb! Will keep an eye out for you urban exploration post. It’s kinda fun taking shots with a different end result in mind isn’t it? 😄

Totally does. I have found myself inspired to do that lately as I have so many photography friends here that love mono, macro, nature and other styles.

Took a hive to get me back into photography.

It’s one of the big reasons I love Hive. It’s given me an opportunity to scratch a creative itch and I’m always looking for shots no matter where i am now

Black and white photos always have a different aura, man. These photos look beautiful. And like you said, black-white photos can make even the most beautiful place look like an abandoned city XD

Oh this is definitely an abandoned place but hopefully not for much longer. Plenty of community drama leading up to this moment and more to come before we are done I suppose.


That is one strange picture. My brain is still trying to put the pieces together.

No threat of running into transient tenants or falling through wooden stairs here but some neat angles!

You gave us a great view of the cooper site
It looks very beautiful
Thanks for sharing with us

Excellent pictures
Thank you so much for sharing