
Haven’t visited yet, but it sure would be interesting to explore.
Warmer than UK, colder than Spain :D We have everything - seas, mountains, lakes, valleys, colorful culture and delicious cuisine :)

Really they do?
It's like a local sport, hehe. At some point in the past each country was in a war with its neighbors. Some still are, if one follows the news closely. It's a "barrel of gunpowder", like a famous writer had said once.

Thanks and !PIZZA to you too!

Sounds nice weather wise. And all the things I like around the scenery. And food, I am sure I like it.

Oh I can imagine…
You are welcome 👋🏻😊 thank you so much. Enjoy your afternoon ☀️

Yes, all the four seasons, full story :)))
Have a great afternoon yourself as well!


Great 👋🏻😊 the thing I missed the most. 4 seasons.
Thank you so much…
!PIZZA nom nom 😉

Yes :) Some years the spring is very short, sadly, as that's my favorite season :)
However, this year we have a full-bodied spring, with lots of rains, some heavy floodings too, unfortunately.


It is also my favourite season 😊
Too bad it has been short, but good to hear this year is different.
Sadly… floodings. I hear it is in a lot of places at the moment.

Have a great Wednesday!

Yes, many places have been hit lately with water disasters.
Then the summer will probably be very dry, sometimes it is not raining for three months in a row where I live...