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RE: | MONOMAD | Black & White Revelations

in Black And White6 months ago

I thought there were electricity wires in the cemetery too, but then I realized it was a photo from the street, looking toward the entrance. I think at least it is a shot from the street - I should ask the nun haha

The angel with veins is a very beautiful monument and photo!


Yes, it is from the street. And the nun was here with her gelatinous thing.


I knew you would say this about the angel. 😇

Hay leche condensada en La Crem de la Crem?

😁 seguramente


copas? quieres Ron, Gin tonic, something else?

Creo que mejor no. Anoche he ido a un party y tomé mistela. Unfortunately.
El día de hoy empezó con ibuprofeno 🙄

😔 deseo que te mejores pronto