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RE: Monomad Challenge : The March Sun Thru a Heat Bubble

in Black And White3 years ago

Ha, yeah - my northern blood would struggle in that climate I think (and northern complexion in that sun, too). I would need an AC rigged HAZMAT suit, I think.

The bubbles are pretty cool; we haven't dined out in one yet, but the ones in the park were perfect for cold nights...just a bit of warmth to get feeling back in one's toes and fingers. Plus, it's always fun to see the occasional drunk college kid curled up in one in the restaurant bubbles near campus at 500 am in the morning. Hey, I'm not proud of it, but I've been there before back in the day! Definitely not one to judge!


AC-rigged HAZMAT suit...Dude I was born here and I reckon I'd love one of those too! A bugger when one must pee though.