My Entry for Monomad Challenge - Unknown place.

in Black And White2 years ago (edited)

Hello friends,

How are you all I hope you all are having fun. Look at some photograph in black and white and its more fun than color photograph. It also looks very beautiful if the photographs are captured amidst the beauty of nature. One such photograph is in my mind which I have put first in this post. This photograph looks normal when seen in color but it looks more beautiful by removing the color. These photographs were taken on the first day of my trek across the Bhramtal while standing on the road to rest. Because on the first day we had to reach from Rishikesh to Lohjung. This road was more than 250 kilometers. In which it was compulsory to travel by car. So after a 5 hour journey from Rishikesh, when I parked the car on the road, I captured these few photographs in the camera.

The road from Rishikesh to Lohjung is full of mountainous and natural beauty. There was a single water tap on the side of the road opposite where we were standing on the road. Apart from that, a photograph of a sparrow sitting on a tree branch was also captured. Photographs of birds are the most difficult to capture on camera. Because if there is even a slight sound, it flies away immediately. Finally the road was caught on camera. Photographs of winding roads disappearing between forests or mountains are always beautiful. This is what my experience says. In the last photograph is my friend's hat. It is a photograph captured in leisure time. All the photographs are what I like. I hope you will like these photographs.

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