Monomad : Clustered Mushrooms

The weather lately is always raining at night, almost every morning a thin blur falls as if to greet the cold, the weather is getting dimmer with cloudy clouds and the sun is reluctant to show itself lately, this is the rainy season paradise for insects and fungi.

The sun only briefly showed its rays, and again had to hide behind the clouds, the cloudy clouds brought rain again.

A series of plants and plants grow in this rainy time, the blooming flowers invite insects to taste the nectar, this is life.

Mushrooms are currently very fertile growing and developing very quickly, and this mushroom is one of the many mushrooms.

The discovery wasn't that difficult, just 200 meters from the house, and he was in this bunch, and this mushroom became my object of the #monomad challenge in this #blackandwhite community.

And it is said that this mushroom can be consumed and the texture is very soft and delicious, maybe next time I will try to pick it and cook it.






These are just a few broken sentences and photos that I share, I hope you all can be entertained. Thank You.

Best regard


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