How To Build A Consistent Prayer Life.

in The Kingdom19 days ago

Most of us in the faith are really finding it very hard to build and maintain a consistent prayer life.


Why does this happen all the time? We keep struggling in our prayer lives, and we keep hoping that one day the Holy Spirit will come and deliver us one day.

Firstly, you must know that being consistent in your prayer life is not a spiritual gift. You need strong discipline to keep up with your prayer life.

Act 3:1


The Bible said that Peter and John went to the temple when it was time to pray. You can see that even the apostles in the Bible had their specific time of prayers and kept to it through discipline. As a believer, you also should have a specific of the day or night to pray, this is the time you cut off everything other activities and focus on praying only.

It is very hard to maintain a consistent prayer life if you always praying randomly without a specific time. Like I said earlier, the success of your consistent prayer life depends on your level of discipline, and you cannot achieve that if you are not conscious of the time you have assigned for praying.

The devil knows the importance of prayer in the life of a believer, that is why he always fights you by making you weak whenever you want to pray. The only way you can fight and win the devil is by being discipline and conscious of the time you are expected pray. Don't feel you can pray anytime, that is a trick the devil is using to decieve you, so that you will become lazy and weak.

It is time to take back your prayer life. Set specific time of the day when you will pray, be disciplined to keep to it and remain consistent. Do this and watch your spiritual life grow in a mighty way.

Stay Blessed.