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RE: Introducing My Axie Team to the Community (and a Back Story as to How I Ended Up Playing Axie Infinity)

in Axie Buzz3 years ago

Yes! I think it's a good idea you have let your wife and son to learn the game. We have two teams we barely have the time to play and most of the time we let our kids do it (but not the arena).i agree with your sister. The 800 mmr rule made it so stressful for me too. That's mainly the reason i lost interest in playing it. It's not fun anymore. But sooo stressful. Hehe


That's mainly the reason i lost interest in playing it. It's not fun anymore. But sooo stressful. Hehe

I think this is also the reason why my elder sister wants a fresh start, she's busy forming a new competitive team. As of now, she has bought two Axies, and she still looking for the third one.