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RE: 2021-08-10

in THE 2020s3 years ago

No. William Cooper, former Navy career man and author of Behold a Pale Horse, was killed on November 5th, 2001 at his ranch in Arizona. Bill Cooper was one of the early authors and radio hosts to awaken people to the reality of the New World Order and their world control agenda.

 3 years ago  

The original Alex Jones? I should investigate all the different people like that in history.

Cooper warned us about Alex Jones. Jones works for the same people he says he's against.

Alex Jones Liar

Alex Jones Agent Provocateur

 3 years ago  

When were these audios recorded? Are these from many years ago?

In the 1990s-2001. Bill Clinton said he was the most dangerous talk show host in America.
Before Cooper, there was Mae Brussell. She was an amazing researcher into the JFK assassination and the NWO.

 3 years ago  

How much of the JFK murder can be documented for the public to see? I hear Bush Sr was probably involved.

Bush Sr was a junior agent at the time, he helped but others above him were the major players. Mae Brussell and Penn Jones Jr. (his 4 book series Forgive My Grief) exposed a lot of what happened in Dallas leading up to and the assassination itself.

Mae's website:

Penn Jones Jr.'s 4 book series (vol 1)

 3 years ago  

Interesting. And I forget the details of how they were able to frame JFK on Booth. I think Booth was in the mafia or something and that they decided to get rid of him and they needed a scapegoat at the same time, a two in one deal, hitting 2 birds with one stone kind of thing.

 3 years ago  
