
in THE 2020s3 years ago

There's a difference between not having the evidence and not hearing the evidence. Before he was a king, David had Goliath's head on a post at a fork in the road leading towards Israel or I think specifically Jerusalem. So, the giant's head on the spike for people to know what God can do to opponents, obstacles, problems, in our lives. Thousands of people die each day. In other news, thousands of people are born each day. It's not breaking news. This has been the case for years.

Planting See But Moving On

Plant the seed, move on, and keep your eyes opened for people who are ready. They're passing laws in America and other countries to use contact tracing to test people for Covid and those who are not cooperative will be sent to a facility. The UN document says you'll never shake hands ever again and will be genetically tested daily via computers.

Jan6 Making History, Breaking Away From Snakes Video

12 GOPs objecting on Jan6 to the Biden 2020 Steal From Trump


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2021-01-03 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-03 - Sunday | Published in January of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-01-03 02:26:52.png

Third season of Cobra Kai

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Thousands of people die each day. In other news, thousands of people are born each day. It's not breaking news. This has been the case for years.

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Plant the seed, move on, and keep your eyes opened for people who are ready.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

Larry King does not have Covid. Give me a break.

12 GOPs objecting on Jan6 to the Biden 2020 Steal From Trump

The Dirty Dozen

Hashtag TheDirtyDozen
Ted Cruz
Ron Johnson
James Lankford
Steve Daines
John Kennedy
Marsha Blackburn
Mike Braun
Cynthia Lummis
Roger Marshall
Bill Hagerty
Tommy Tuberville
Josh Hawley

Democrat Communist Globalist Fascism Is A Mental Disorder

2021-01-03 - Sunday - 09:51 AM - Twitter
42 U.S.C. 1974
Retention and preservation of records and papers by officers of elections; deposit with custodian; penalty for violation

There's a difference between not having the evidence and not hearing the evidence.

Jennifer Lynn Lawrence

2021-01-02 - Saturday - 09:21 PM - Twitter - @JenLawrence21

We have been marching all around the country for you Mr President. Now we will bring it to DC on Jan 6 and PROUDLY stand beside you! Thank you for fighting for us

2021-01-03 - Sunday - 10:07 AM - Twitter - Trump - The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated in the United States because of
@CDCgov’s ridiculous method of determination compared to other countries, many of whom report, purposely, very inaccurately and low. “When in doubt, call it Covid.” Fake News!


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

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Blurt vs Steem vs Hive vs Weku

12:05 AM - Discord

I asked a question. A question is not misinformation. I asked a question. It was not a statement. Your response is saying Blurt is similar to Hive and Steem. That is good news. I asked this question because I didn't know if the blockchain was down or if only an app of the blockchain was down. Similar issues have happened with Hive and Steem in regards to different domain name website apps or user interfaces (UI). Some of the other competitors, like Weku, have struggled. I encourage the competition between blockchain networks which is crucial to have similar to the competition between different cryptocurrencies is a key to innovation within free markets.

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info

Don Giller

12:00 AM - Norm Macdonald Collection on Letterman, Part 4 of 5: 1999-2000

Cobra Kai

2021-01-03 - Sunday -12:50 AM - 01:24 AM - Cobra Kai 304

Knocking down a thing off a poll tree thing. Just knock the poll over. Soccer fight.

It's the people, not the signs, that draw us back.

He said that in a final letter before he died talking about how Daniel brought him back.

2021-01-03 - Sunday -01:25 AM - 02:03 AM - Cobra Kai 305

Secrets he had in Japan. Daniel trains under a karate cousin who numbs his limbs. If an enemy tries to wage war on you, stop their ability to wage the war by numbing their limbs. Rock concert got Miguel's foot to move again.

2021-01-03 - Sunday -02:04 AM - 02:39 AM - Cobra Kai 306

1968 Vietnam flashback. Johnny. He was trained by his captain or general or whoever in karate and was in a special group to fight in a special operation in northern Vietnam. Johnny blames himself for a soldier who died. Snakes at the car place. They couldn't get rid of Johnny.

2021-01-03 - Sunday -02:39 AM - 03:10 AM - Cobra Kai 307

Girl fight. 2 chicks battle. It was just a dream. He sneaks into the high school, says he know how to cuz he used to go there, he encouraged his old students to go to his dojo and then knocked down a kid's books and said sorry old habits.

John Hagee Ministries

09:20 AM - Cornerstone Church LIVE 8:30am on Sunday January 3rd 2021

Before he was a king, David had Goliath's head on a post at a fork in the road leading towards Israel or I think specifically Jerusalem.

So, the giant's head on the spike for people to know what God can do to opponents, obstacles, problems, in our lives.

Something is either a blessing or a cursing, there is no middle ground.

General Shepherd

10:24 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 1/3/21

Plant the seed, move on, and keep your eyes opened for people who are ready.

They're passing laws in America and other countries to use contact tracing to test people for Covid and those who are not cooperative will be sent to a facility.

The UN document says you'll never shake hands ever again and will be genetically tested daily via computers.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Don Giller

12:00 AM - Norm Macdonald Collection on Letterman, Part 4 of 5: 1999-2000

Cobra Kai

2021-01-03 - Sunday -12:50 AM - 01:24 AM - Cobra Kai 304
2021-01-03 - Sunday -01:25 AM - 02:03 AM - Cobra Kai 305
2021-01-03 - Sunday -02:04 AM - 02:39 AM - Cobra Kai 306
2021-01-03 - Sunday -02:39 AM - 03:10 AM - Cobra Kai 307

John Hagee Ministries

09:20 AM - Cornerstone Church LIVE 8:30am on Sunday January 3rd 2021

Lionel Nation

10:18 AM - Distraction Discontent Discord: America Must Focus

General Shepherd

10:24 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 1/3/21

Up at 09:00 AM but need to remember how to turn off the alarm. I forget my dreams. Oatmeal, brown sugar, coffee, for breakfast. Understanding property lines and the possibility for there to be lines which could cross over other property lines accidentally or on purpose. The details may have been inaccurate at the times they were made and or changed over time.

you can find me at https://instagram.com/joeyarnoldvn which means you cannot say same here but you say same here but here is the link meaning you cannot say same here

Church service was ok. Sermon on confessing sins and the pastor used Clue as a metaphor. Good board game and we have to guess where the murder or sin happened, by who and with what. It was done by me and by you in the room of our heart and with our heart weapon. My hat was taken off. Some peanut better ginger snap like hard candy. Moved forts around and the piano to the game corner around 1 PM. That was after the gas station. I didn't stop by the bank. I saw people wear masks. Some employees did not but some did and some customers did as I looked out the window of the van. I told the story of our famous 2004 basketball Llama team which won the tournament. Don't stair at them. Things about this other similar animal. Playing in the dirt at a young age so dirty imagine that. Like three years old. Eggs and stuff like messy omelet for lunch at 01:40 PM and then back outside to move the chicken house to near the man hole and by the basketball hoop, between those 2 points and out of the back room or wood shop. I was doing laundry around like 04:00 PM. It's raining. Washer. Then dryer around like 06:00 PM. Was attacked by a wild, wait for it, hammer, above my left eye brow. So, I continued working outside until now, 10:10 PM, now eating rice and vegetables, carrots. Ran into problems because as I was building the lego chicken house, I was sometimes not having enough nails, wood, hammers, tools, screws, screw drivers, drills, hinges, devices, or the right ones at the high enough quality. So, I was talking to myself and getting mad and yelling a bit asking what the boards and nails were doing when they messed up and when things were falling apart a bit. I got tired after about nine or so hours of work today, I am calling it a day. 10:50 PM - chicken sandwich for dinner supper or as my dad would call it, a late night snack.