
in THE 2020s3 years ago

Secret Message at 01:16:37. Because if one state is overturned.

Then it would be a shock to the whole system.

It would accelerate the investigations in the other states.

Because no matter if you're on the left or the right.

We all want fair and honest elections.

And if it can be rigged in our favor today.

It could be rigged against us tomorrow.

If you're watching a movie and it's raining, do you pull out an umbrella? The Fake Biden Inauguration was a movie.

I was suspended on Twitter for mentioning Defending The Republic . org. Oh geez, they really don't want people to know what we can do to save the world from the shadows. So, please don't go try to save people on Twitter. Please watch TV all day. Please never ever read what I write. Never ever watch my videos. Please don't ever go to my websites. Please ignore this post. Thank you.

Secret Message at 01:16:37. You do know we had a fake inauguration of Biden, right? Biden was not elected as President, the inauguration was fake. Biden was illegal and unconstitutional installed. It is our job to share the election interference, fraud, etc, by enemies both foreign and domestic. It's the job of the military to step in. We must demand justice. We must share this. The paper ballots have to be kept for 22 months by law. Destroying ballots renders the election null and void. Judges can order for paper ballots to be examined. Hand-recount. Get a court order. Local legal challenges can be made. Ballots legally must be kept for 22 months. If ballots are destroyed, that renders the election null and void. Demand an audit in your county today. In places like Georgia, they're trying to shred paper ballots. If you take it to court, the judge will rule that the results there was rendered null & void, as in disqualified, if they're not able to show the ballots. By law, counties have to keep the ballots for 22 months in boxes. Not on a computer where they can be hacked. Meaning you take it to court. The good news is people are taking it to court. You can help them. Why is the left criminalizing the questioning of the 2020 Election? The reason has something to do with the 22-Months-Window. 22 months, counties, by law, have to keep the ballots in boxes. By law, they have to. If destroyed, the election is rendered null and void by a judge in a court of law.

Stopping False Flags

The best way to prevent false flags is to talk about false flags. The good news, we stopped them from happening during the Fake Inauguration of Biden. Running and participating in a fake inauguration with the aid of foreign and domestic enemies is a serious crime, sedition, high treason, espionage, insurrection, genocide, etc. Our job is to help people understand all of this. That's what we're doing right now. We're showing the world the crimes. For the next 22 months, they have to hide how they stole the 2020 Election. By law, counties have to keep and store the paper ballots. We have 22 months to simply get a court order to examine some of the ballots. By law, if the ballots are destroyed, the election is rendered null & void. The good news is people are examining ballots. Join us. What are you waiting for? Encourage people in your county to demand for an audit to examine the paper ballots. Go to your town hall, courthouse, post office, church, and call for a recount. I was suspended on Twitter for mentioning Defending The Republic . org. Oh geez, they really don't want people to know what we can do to save the world from the shadows. So, please don't go try to save people on Twitter. Please watch TV all day. Please never ever read what I write. Never ever watch my videos. Please don't ever go to my websites. Please ignore this post. Thank you.

Defend the Republic

Fun While It Lasted

Holding On, Walking By

Military Are Required to Protect Her

Should The Military Fail To Abide By The Oath of Allegiance


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2021-01-21 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-21 - Thursday | Published in January of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 20:44:27 Hunter Biden Plea.png

Secret Message at 01:16:37

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey

Biden was not elected as President, the inauguration was fake. Biden was illegal and unconstitutional installed. It is our job to share the election interference, fraud, etc, by enemies both foreign and domestic. It's the job of the military to step in. We must demand justice. We must share this.

The best way to prevent false flags is to talk about false flags. The good news, we stopped them from happening during the Fake Inauguration of Biden.

Running and participating in a fake inauguration with the aid of foreign and domestic enemies is a serious crime, sedition, high treason, espionage, insurrection, genocide, etc. Our job is to help people understand all of this. That's what we're doing right now. We're showing the world the crimes.

Judges can order for paper ballots to be examined. Hand-recount. Get a court order. Local legal challenges can be made. Ballots legally must be kept for 22 months. If ballots are destroyed, that renders the election null and void. Demand an audit in your county today.

If you love your country as a patriot, if you want to stop the steal and save America, you must demand for an audit in your county today. The ballots have to be stored for 22 months. If not, then the election is rendered null and void.

For the next 22 months, they have to hide how they stole the 2020 Election. By law, counties have to keep and store the paper ballots. We have 22 months to simply get a court order to examine some of the ballots. By law, if the ballots are destroyed, the election is rendered null & void. The good news is people are examining ballots. Join us. What are you waiting for?

In places like Georgia, they're trying to shred paper ballots. If you take it to court, the judge will rule that the results there was rendered null & void, as in disqualified, if they're not able to show the ballots. By law, counties have to keep the ballots for 22 months in boxes. Not on a computer where they can be hacked. Meaning you take it to court. The good news is people are taking it to court. You can help them.

Why is the left criminalizing the questioning of the 2020 Election? The reason has something to do with the 22-Months-Window.

Encourage people in your county to demand for an audit to examine the paper ballots. Go to your town hall, courthouse, post office, church, and call for a recount.

I was suspended on Twitter for mentioning Defending The Republic . org. Oh geez, they really don't want people to know what we can do to save the world from the shadows. So, please don't go try to save people on Twitter. Please watch TV all day. Please never ever read what I write. Never ever watch my videos. Please don't ever go to my websites. Please ignore this post. Thank you.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

Biden was not elected as President, the inauguration was fake. Biden was illegal and unconstitutional installed. It is our job to share the election interference, fraud, etc, by enemies both foreign and domestic. It's the job of the military to step in. We must demand justice. We must share this.

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

You do know we had a fake inauguration of Biden, right?

Biden was not elected as President, the inauguration was fake. Biden was illegal and unconstitutional installed. It is our job to share the election interference, fraud, etc, by enemies both foreign and domestic. It's the job of the military to step in. We must demand justice. We must share this.

Running and participating in a fake inauguration with the aid of foreign and domestic enemies is a serious crime, sedition, high treason, espionage, insurrection, genocide, etc. Our job is to help people understand all of this. That's what we're doing right now. We're showing the world the crimes.

The paper ballots have to be kept for 22 months by law. Destroying ballots renders the election null and void.

Judges can order for paper ballots to be examined. Hand-recount. Get a court order. Local legal challenges can be made. Ballots legaly must be kept for 22 months. If ballots are destroyed, that renders the election null and void. Demand an audit in your county today.

Judges can order for paper ballots to be examined. Hand-recount. Get a court order. Local legal challenges can be made. Ballots legally must be kept for 22 months. If ballots are destroyed, that renders the election null and void. Demand an audit in your county today.

Why are there more virtual votes found in the machines than there are paper ballots? If you love your country as a patriot, if you want to stop the steal and save America, you must demand for an audit of the election in your county today. The ballots have to be stored for 22 months. If not, it's rendered null and void.

If you love your country as a patriot, if you want to stop the steal and save America, you must demand for an audit in your county today. The ballots have to be stored for 22 months. If not, then the election is rendered null and void.

You can't hack paper.

The fake inauguration can be overturned, legally.

By law, ballots have to be kept for 22 months and if they try to destroy that, and if any of this comes to a court, especially the Supreme Court would rule if you don't have the ballots, that election is null & void.

Check out Defend the Republic . org while you still can. Copy what I write before I'm suspended and banned everywhere.

Because if one state is overturned.

Then it would be a shock to the whole system.

It would accelerate the investigations in the other states.

Because no matter if you're on the left or the right.

We all want fair and honest elections.

And if it can be rigged in our favor today.

It could be rigged against us tomorrow.

Encourage people in your county to demand for an audit to examine the paper ballots. Go to your town hall, courthouse, post office, church, and call for a recount.

There are ongoing court filings in, at the minimum, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin. You can demand for paper ballot audits in your county today. If they attempt to destroy ballots, physically or electronically, that can render the election null and void.



Holy cow. Who is being accused of sedition? What in the world is sedition?

Sandy Hook

Now they're attacking anybody, not just Alex Jones, who questions the Sandy Hook false flag which was similar to the 2021 January 6 Capitol Riot, Parkland, 2017 October 1 Las Vegas, etc.

Game of Bernie Sanders Meme

Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people

The best way to prevent false flags is to talk about false flags. The good news, we stopped them from happening during the Fake Inauguration of Biden.

The Nation-Wide Snitch Operation has been put into force, if you talk about vitamins or anything really, they'll try to throw you in literal jail. Bad news is some people were already thrown in prison these past few days for exercising their freedom of speech which is also connected to freedom of religion. When they attack you on that, they're in fact discriminating against your religion, your beliefs. Your speech is a personification of your beliefs.

President Trump will pardon Assange and Snowden.

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Pray for military reform for the top leaders, generals, and others in the Pentagon, law enforcement, the justice system, and eventually in legislature, but let's focus for now on military specifically and especially.

Paul Davis video on Twitter regarding counting Dominion ballots

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

If you're watching a movie and it's raining, do you pull out an umbrella. The Fake Biden Inauguration was a movie.

Twitter Suspension

08:30 PM - Facebook

I was suspended on Twitter for mentioning Defending The Republic . org. Oh geez, they really don't want people to know what we can do to save the world from the shadows. So, please don't go try to save people on Twitter. Please watch TV all day. Please never ever read what I write. Never ever watch my videos. Please don't ever go to my websites. Please ignore this post. Thank you.

And please don't make a Twitter account. Please don't secretly send me the password to my inbox on Facebook. Don't do it. Please don't do it. No thank you.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal


05:19 PM - @GreenOatmeal was suspended


2021-01-21 - Thursday - 05:19 PM - @GreenOatmeal was suspended

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:21:45 - Green Oatmeal Twitter Suspended.png
Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:19:05 Suspended.png
Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:23:07 Suspended on Twitter.png

Mea Omnia

My Mea Omnia account was suspended as well

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:24:04 Mea Omnia Twitter Suspended.png

Joey Arnold

My Joey Arnold Twitter account was suspended

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:25:26 Joey arnold Twitter Suspended.png


My Joeyarnoldvn Twitter was suspended

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:26:36 Joeyarnoldvn Twitter Suspended.png

https://twitter.com/joeyarnold4 is not me.
https://twitter.com/joeyarnold7 is not me.
https://twitter.com/l4oj might be mine


I still have an Ojawall Twitter account at https://twitter.com/ojawall

Ra Ra Roberto

https://twitter.com/rararoberto is not mine.

Mickey Morehead

My Mickey Morehead Twitter account

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:34:39 Mickey Morehead Twitter.png

Fonnie Filden

My Fonnie Filden Twittter account

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:37:19 Fonnie Filden Twitter.png

https://twitter.com/paintingpropaganda does not exist
https://twitter.com/tiffanycumbo doesn't exist

Joey Arnold VEVO

Joey Arnold VEVO Twitter account

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:43:11 - Joey Arnold VEVO Twitter.png

https://twitter.com/joeyarnoldtv doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/oatmeal is not mine

Oatmeal Joey

My Oatmeal Joey Twitter account

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:45:29 Oatmeal Joey Twitter.png

https://twitter.com/oatmealjoeyarnold doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/realoatmealjoey doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/therealoatmealjoey doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/ironicmystic doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/infinitealtitude doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/ramreflection doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/joeyarnoldusa doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/joeyarnold163 doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/joeyarnoldmemorial doesn't exist

Arnold Attic


Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:47:38 Arnold Attic Twitter.png

Green Oatmeal


Screenshot at 2021-01-21 18:07:36 Original Oatmeal Twitter.png

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 18:07:11 Original Oatmeal Twitter.png


https://twitter.com/ijoeyarnold was suspended

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 18:28:46 ijoeyarnold Twitter Suspended.png

https://twitter.com/jarnold163 doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/realjoeyarnold doesn't exist
https://twitter.com/josepharnold is not me
https://twitter.com/joearnold is not me
https://twitter.com/44tapes is not me

Rambo Revenge

I'm not Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Don't even look. I'm just some random dude, yeah. Joeyarnoldvn.

2021-01-21 - Thursday - 06:50 PM LMS JA - Twitter account Rambo Revenge was created
But I have to have a phone number to verify the account, which I don't have minus an app number they don't accept. I tried proxies and Twitter would ask for a number. So, unable to make a new account or get into older accounts.

Marilyn Morehead

twitter.com/marilynmorehead was suspended

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 19:49:01 Marilyn Morehead Twitter suspended.png

https://twitter.com/marilynarnold is not mom
https://twitter.com/peterrasp has not tweeted, don't know if it is mine but was unable to log into [email protected] and don't even know if that is my email or what it might have been if this was a Twitter of mine
https://twitter.com/gyjo is not mine

Twitter Land

Lincoln Project is going after Ted Cruz now that Trump is out.
Florida bank closed Trump's banking account.


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

Please bookmark my blog before I'm suspended off Facebook.

Other Websites

Write to me on other sites

Antrim Michigan Forensics Report

04:41 PM - Hive Blog | Report Date 12/13/2020

In Michigan, there was a 68% error rate in Antrim County. There was a 81.96% rejection rate in Central Lake Township.

Number 6: The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.

The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error (detailed above by the vote "flip" from Trump to Biden,was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to election night for a down ballot race. We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.

The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim Countyfrom December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or68.05% of the events were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication. This high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws

In Central Lake Township there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96% rejection rate. All reversed ballots are sent to adjudication for a decision by election personnel.

Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. This means that all security logs for the day after the election, on election day, and prior to election day are gone. Security logs are very important to an audit trail, forensics, and for detecting advanced persistent threats and outside attacks, especially on systems with outdated system files. These logs would contain domain controls, authentication failures, error codes, times users logged on and off, network connections to file servers between file accesses,internet connections, times, and data transfers. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present; therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.

On November 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results. This demonstrates additional tampering with data.

There are 23 pages from just this one county report alone at Defend The Republic.

Imagine how many thousands of counties are dealing with all of these types issues and more.

Imagine paperwork stacked up to the moon.

URL to this forensic report


Screenshot at 2021-01-21 16:37:40 Michigan.png

Antrim Michigan Forensics Report


05:08 PM - Hive

There are at least 7 court filings in Arizona, stay tune for farther updates on what happens with those seven filings.

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 17:06:05 - Arizona.png

Hunter in Joe

08:52 PM - Hive

We love Joe Biden and that is why we will not go to this video of him, at timestamp 01:16:37. You don't want to know what you will hear at that point.

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 20:44:27 Hunter Biden Plea.png

Plea Bargain

Hunter Biden says, dubbed over Joe, he accepted a plea bargain. Does that mean he was arrested by military or police? Why is this on an official White House government account on YouTube? Was this put into the video on purpose?


Don't go to the timestamp 01:16:37

Why did the official governmental White House YouTube account put out that video with that dubbed in randomly in the middle of the video, out of nowhere, was that an accident?


09:43 PM - Hive

So many cases in Georgia. According to their, laws, the state has the right to look over those machines, the software, the results, dominion, pun intended.

Screenshot at 2021-01-21 21:40:53 Georgia Dominion.png

Contrary to what Georgia Officials claim, the Georgia Secretary of State has ownership and control of the Dominion system, and consequently the authority to allow Republican Electors access to the Dominion system. Consequently, the Georgia Secretary of State, in her official capacity as a member of the Georgia State Board of Elections, is the proper party to this lawsuit for purposes of the relief Republican Electors are seeking. Under Georgia law, the state—and not counties—is the entity vested with the exclusive right to purchase and certify voting machines. Ga. St. §21-2-300(a)(1). Counties, by contrast, have no authority whatsoever to purchase voting systems. Ga. St. §21-2-70(5). In addition, the Georgia Secretary of State, as part of the State Election Board, has the authority to “review ballots for use by counties and municipalities on voting systems in use in the state.” Ga. St. §21-2-50(a)(15). This denotes an authority to make available for inspection and auditing all of the Dominion Systems in possession of the counties.

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info


09:52 AM - Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 - The astonishing case for optimism and faith

You do know we had a fake inauguration of Biden, right?

Watch Log

I've been watching the following


09:52 AM - Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 - The astonishing case for optimism and faith

Pino 1940


Guy Jones

04:08 PM - 1967 - London Street Scenes (added sound w/ color remaster)

McAllister TV


Joe Rogan

09:12 PM - The Undertaker on Finally Retiring

Joe Rogan

09:18 PM - Covid killed Undertaker's career. Thanks Covid. I mean, Lockdowns.

Slept from 10:10 PM to 08:00 AM. Around ten hours. The previous night was the last day of President Trump it appears and I was up a lot during that Wednesday morning. I think I caught up on my sleep now. Probably better to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise. Coffee. Dear diary. Breakfast. Orange. Bread soup stuff around 11 AM. Dishes around noon. Vacuum. Sweep. Tumblr in some compost. Brought in groceries from the car. Argument with mom about the differences in people with dealing with kids with autism. It can be hard like being in war. You can come out of it with problems. My point was it depends on how a person deals with it and it seems she wouldn't think about or acknowledge the point or points I made. I got the mail. Funny video she saw not just of lonely Biden from Don but also a cat playing with a fish in the house and the dog puts the fish back in the bowl of water to meet the other friend. Oh, it must be a fish puppy or the human's give birth to fish who later become humans or it is some other animal friends of the humans. Who knows but domesticated dog indeed. After getting the mail, it's now 02:24 PM. Yogurt smoothy drink around 5 PM. Dinner had meat and stuff around like 8 PM. Nap from 10 to almost midnight. Had coffee off and on today till like 5 or 6. Probably too late and I had trouble sleeping at 10 because of it I think.


In Michigan, there was a 68.05% error rate in Antrim County. There was a 81.96% rejection rate in Central Lake Township.

There are at least 7 court filings in Arizona, stay tune for farther updates on what happens with those seven filings.

We love Joe Biden and that is why we will not go to this video of him, at timestamp 01:16:37. You don't want to know what you will hear at that point.

So many cases in Georgia. According to their laws, the state has the right to look over those machines, the software, the results, dominion, pun intended.

 3 years ago  

Why didn't the inauguration weather match the weather present that day in Washington DC?

 3 years ago  

Is the Washington capitol of the District of Columbia the only district?

 3 years ago  

Why did military turn their back to Biden?

 3 years ago  

Is China being driven by Rothschild?

 3 years ago  

We saved the world from a major false flag during the fake inauguration, that is good news, and more buses of troops coming in into Washington DC is being reported ironically.

 3 years ago  

Have your camera ready 24/7 to record false flags, they're coming, only you can prevent forest fires. No, only you can prevent false flags.

 3 years ago  

Call your state attorney general demanding they do something about censorship? Many countries are taking action. Some of the states in America are doing things as well. Why not your state as well? What do you have to lose?

 3 years ago  

Your state could, for example, can say to Amazon, "Because you're discriminating against Parler, because you censored them, you can't conduct business in our state." Some countries and states are doing stuff like that. Come on guys, everyone is doing it.

 3 years ago  

Texas could say, if they haven't yet, to Google and others, "Because you're violating the civil liberties of American citizens, which violates the Texan constitution, you're legally and constitutionally forbidden from doing business in our state." States are doing things like this. You need to know this.

 3 years ago  

How do people pass on information in North Korea? They use thumb drives. Instead of being on Facebook too much, you could hop on Walkonyourfeetbook and hand memory sticks, small computer hard drives, out to people to bypass online censorship. You can also use Protonmail for email. You can use alternative websites, etc. That is how we make a difference. Print things out and hand them out.

 3 years ago  

Start reading, friendship, religious, hobby-focused, or other types of clubs. You may not want to call your group the M word relating to the 2A because FBI black hats and others discriminate against certain words as seen in their ongoing investigation on the Jan6 Capitol Riot False Flag Event. Innocent people are being arrested. Bad people are coming. Some people are already in prison. Be ready for being locked up. But don't speed up that process. Pass on what you know to others while you still can. Be a leader where you are while you still can. It's V for Vendetta. I am Spartacus. We are the ants. You cannot stop us as long as we're decentralized. Communism thrives only as centralization increases. Decentralization is the Krytonite to totalitarianism. Help people learn all about free energy.

 3 years ago  

Someday, the Bible may only be found on the dark webs.

 3 years ago  

The fact that Vitamin C can be found in oranges could be someday only found on the dark webs. In other words, the dark webs can have good information which you need to know. Learn how to use it while you still can.

 3 years ago  

Military has the authority to invoke martial law when our nation is being attacked by foreign enemies running domestic puppets. Military can audit ballots or call for a new election. We can reach out to them. But at the same time, while you're waiting, go to your local courthouse. Go somewhere and talk to people about examining ballots and machines. Also, help people get off the grid. We should try to multitask.

 3 years ago  

Covid Vaccine Murdered Baseball Star Hank Aaron.

 3 years ago  

Biden YouTube likes are being replaced with the dislikes, a flip, similar to what happened in the 2020 Election.

 3 years ago  

Shane Harro Harrison, I wrote articles about Q in 2018 and anybody reading this can Google that. I made videos back then as well, we're talking two to three years. Since I've first heard of Qanon, I've wrote many times about it for years. It is on my blog and on many websites. It may even be on Archive . org and in emails as well. Anybody reading this can Google my username, Joeyarnoldvn, or my brand name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, with quotation marks, and add other keywords like Q and Qanon and other things and you will see via DuckDuckGo, Bing, Google, AOL, MSN, or whatever your favorite web search engine is, and you can look and find what I have been writing for a long time. Anybody could make a video right now to say to Shane, "Wow, what a weird lair you are, Shane." Make it a Shane Sucks Challenge. Anybody reading this can do whatever they want. I am copying and pasting this comment on my blog to help with everything. Good thing I live a public life, a transparent life. When people make up things about me, lie about me, people who want to know can look me up and decide for themselves who is telling the truth. That is the good news. Please share these things, everyone. Share whatever you want everyone onto to my timeline, my wall, my profile, on Facebook and other places too. Have fun everyone.

 3 years ago  

Why did they say to Biden, "You're not allowed to step foot in the Pentagon?"

 3 years ago  

Americans can go to https://FreeTaxUSA.com to apply for a $600 stimulus check.

 3 years ago  

Tell your county to audit the ballots. We have to work to save America. Each one of must work hard right now to save the Republic. If you sit there, you deserve the worst.

 3 years ago  

Tell your county to audit the ballots. We have to work to save America. Each one of us must work hard right now to save the Republic. If you sit there, you deserve the worst.

 3 years ago  

Ghana 2020 Election went to the Supreme Court or it might have been dismissed similar to what happened in America. Similar things appears to be happening in the Philippines and who knows how many countries.

 3 years ago  

Star Wars was a code name for a project which Reagan talked about in the 1980s, the Pentagon calls it Star Wars even still it seems, Trump gave the project a nickname, Space Force.

 3 years ago  

There is a conspiracy theory claiming that the USA INC was dissolved on the 3rd of July of 2020. This is relating to what happened especially in 1871 or goes the theory. One of my goals is in trying to get to the bottom of those details. It's possible that Biden became a president of a dismantled corporation. I've not yet confirmed this crazy conspiracy theory yet. For the most part, I'm too busy to research all of this right now. It's better to assume the worse and to attempt to audit ballots in order to get courts to throw out fraudulent votes. That is our number one priority for the next 19 months or so. Little by little, fake ballots can be rendered null and void. Also, we're finding votes which were not yet counted. So, let's continue counting every legal vote. Let's try to throw out all the illegal votes. Because dead people are not allowed to vote. Cats are not allowed to vote. A person cannot vote ten times in a row with the same ballot going through the machine dozens of times like a merry-go-round on drugs gone wild.

 3 years ago  

Jesse Binall said he had proof of nearly 90K fraudulent votes found in Nevada where Biden won by 33,596 votes. Ok class, what is 33K-90K?

 3 years ago  

Over 100K fake votes in Arizona where Biden won by 10,457 votes. Ok class, what is 10K minus 100K? The answer is negative 90K. It's a negative number. People who know math might be smart enough to know how to count negative numbers.

 3 years ago  

221,000 disqualified ballots in Wisconsin where Biden won by 20,682 votes. Alright kids, if you're smart enough to handle this crazy mathematical dillemma, what's 20K take away 221K? It's negative 200K. Well, actually, the real number is an even bigger negative number if you count everything in that state, all the fake votes plus all the real votes too.

 3 years ago  

221,000 disqualified ballots in Wisconsin where Biden won by 20,682 votes. Alright kids, if you're smart enough to handle this crazy mathematical dilemma, what's 20K take away 221K? It's negative 200K. Well, actually, the real number is an even bigger negative number if you count everything in that state, all the fake votes plus all the real votes too.

 3 years ago  

Fake Privacy vs Honest Transparent Elections.

Because we try to keep our vote a secret, as in privacy found in the 4th amendment, the left is able to use that loop-hole to squeeze in millions of fake votes which you then can't find as it hides behind alleged privacy which has already been corroding for too decades in a variety of ways. I'm not here to go on a rabbit-trail on the topic of privacy and other relating subjects. My point is how its used to make it almost impossible to find the fraudulent votes dues to alleged privacy.

 3 years ago  

Fake Privacy vs Honest Transparent Elections.

Because we try to keep our vote a secret, as in privacy found in the 4th amendment, the left is able to use that loop-hole to squeeze in millions of fake votes which you then can't find as it hides behind alleged privacy which has already been corroding for too decades in a variety of ways. I'm not here to go on a rabbit-trail on the topic of privacy and other relating subjects. My point is how its used to make it almost impossible to find the fraudulent votes due to alleged privacy.

 3 years ago  

Fake Privacy vs Honest Transparent Elections.

Because we try to keep our vote a secret, as in privacy found in the 4th amendment, the left is able to use that loop-hole to squeeze in millions of fake votes which you then can't find as it hides behind alleged privacy which has already been corroding for too many decades in a variety of ways. I'm not here to go on a rabbit-trail on the topic of privacy. My point is how its used to make it almost impossible to find the fraudulent votes due to alleged privacy.

 3 years ago  

Look at Youtube timestamp 00:00:00 or the CNN timer 51:26 and compared that with what you see at 00:38:00 or timer 50:49.

 3 years ago  

Did America go bankrupt in 1871, did they make a deal with bankers?

 3 years ago  

Are U.S. Tax-Dollars rerouted to the Vatican bypassing the U.S. Treasury Department?

 3 years ago  

In March of 2020, Trump enacted a state of natural emergency, FEMA took charge of the emergency. What is FEMA doing right now? Was that emergency ever lifted, was it ever ended, is it over, or is it still ongoing? What kind of duties was FEMA given? What was it in charge over? What did Trump say in July?

 3 years ago  

Chinese Genocide.

China is doing things a thousand times worse than what we saw in Germany in the 1940s. They're literally putting up the entire people of many towns into these shipping containers in fields, the CCP is actively committing genocide in a variety of ways, murdering their own people and then some. China installed Biden.

 3 years ago  

Is there a City of the Vatican within London itself? Why?

 3 years ago  

Have you read the Act of 1871? It provided independent governance for Washington DC, making it independent like a country within a country.

 3 years ago  

Why is Washington DC tucked between the virgin Mary, I mean Virginia and Maryland?

 3 years ago  

The act of 1871 replaced The Constitution for the "united states for America" with 'THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in all caps. Instead of for, it's now of. Legally speaking, these are two different names or entities. So, to be clear, I'm a citizen of the united states for America. I should stop saying United States of America. I should disavow the United States of America.

 3 years ago  

Was a dollar worth 1/35th an ounce of gold around the time of Nixon? An ounce of gold as of right now is worth $1,865.50 USD, divide that by 35 would mean a real dollar would be worth $53.3 dollars in reality meaning you would be like 50x richer or something.

 3 years ago  

In the board game we call Monopoly, rule 11 says the bank cannot go bankrupt, when you run out of money to hand to people, just get some blank pieces of paper and use that as money. So, in other words, this game is like The Federal Reserve For Dummies.

Screenshot at 2021-01-22 20:12:33 Federal Reserve and Monopoly.png

 3 years ago  

If less than 120 million people voted, if over 80 million voted Trump, then less than 40 million voted for Biden and that's being way too excessively generous to Biden.


Some believe Trump got over 100M. It depends on how many people actually voted minus how many were registered, not eligible, to actually vote.