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RE: 2021-03-14

in THE 2020s3 years ago (edited)

But do you ever criticize Trump? See, Biden and Trump are both over 70 years old. Many young people who are 30 years old or younger said bad things about Trump who is a elder, a senior, a grandpa, an older man.

Some people will say "Don't criticize Biden," but then will criticize Trump who is also an older man too.

Some people can say, "Don't criticize Biden." There can be many reasons not to criticize Biden, right or wrong, people have reasons, excuses, habits, for why they criticize a person or not criticize a person. People want to respect older people.

The same people who tell you to be nice to Biden because he is older will also say we have to attack Trump for many reasons.

The cultural difference between America and Korea is actually the difference between globalism and nationalism in many many ways, this is a long story.

Many of the things you have in Korean culture you would find in American culture too but many years ago. Yes, there are differences between cultures, religions, traditions, and many different things and people in many different countries and places around the world.

But there are many similarities that many countries had around the world including respecting older people, Korean etiquette have been American etiquette, customs, traditions, as well. But bad people have washed the etiquette out of American culture and the culture of many countries.

I write many things because I am a sponge of information. I sometimes try to make simple posts which are easy to follow but I often just add a bunch of text and links and photos without explaining it. I have so much I want to say about everything.

So, many times, I am just throwing text onto my blog hoping it sticks like a painter dumping paint onto paper. That is silly but that is what I am doing and I do try to sometimes make it easy to understand.

The problem is that I share many posts from other people.

And I also literally share what I do all day on my Daily Oatmeal blog post each day, like this one called 2021-03-14 which is a post or article about my day last Sunday, the 14th of March of 2021 in the United States of America.

One of my problems is that I am trying to mention dozens of topics all at the same time. I talk about religion, culture, history, science, technology, biology, my autobiography, psychology, the study of the future, travel, geography, education, entertainment, spirituality, blockchain, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, finance, animals, dreams, the study of dreams, how-to videos, self-help books, brain storming ideas, encouragement letters, astronomy, numerology, theology, anthropology, sociology, the study of people everywhere, the study of aliens, archeology, study of the past, architecture, engineering, fashion, video games, sports, hobbies, health, natural remedies, herbs, the study of life, the study of everything, popular culture, how people think, higher dimensions, math, parallel universes, etc, etc, etc, and the list goes on and on.

In other words, in my Oatmeal Daily posts, I like to share my private journal with the world, my unedited rough draft comments, thoughts, feedback, ideas, commentary, for each day.

I literally just copy and paste almost everything I do, everything I see, hear, listen to, watch, look at, all the links, in my daily diary.

I know it can be very hard to follow because I go back and forth between topics, categories, subjects, ideas, all of the time without warning.


But do you ever criticize Trump? See, Biden and Trump are both over 70 years old. Many young people who are 30 years old or younger said bad things about Trump who is a elder, a senior, a grandpa, an older man.

Dear @joeyarnoldvn , You are asking too many difficult answers from elementary school student in America. 😅
I wish you understand first that it is difficult for me to understand your American English.

Yeah, Korean media and news have accused Trump of being a white supremacist. However, they didn't say that Trump was gay or pedophile.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Koreans should stop insulting Trump because if they think that insulting Biden is bad and insulting Trump is good, that is silly.

Ukraine and China gave the Biden family millions to billions of dollars, especially in the 2010s, these past ten years, other countries are involved in many things, a lot of money, a lot of illegal bribes, we're talking all kinds of crimes like espionage, treason, etc. Biden has been involved in very big crimes involving lots of money.

I don't have to insult Biden. I don't have to make fun of Biden. I don't have to and I don't need to say Biden is dumb, gay, pedophile, etc. Same thing with Trump.

I can simply say what Biden did. Same thing with other bad people. I don't care if Koreans say, "Don't say bad thing about bad people. You CANNOT say bad stuff about bad people because KOREAN CULTURE says you cannot say the obvious."

When a person steals money, I am going say it.

Then Koreans will say to me, "Do NOT say the ROBBER who stole money stole money. Yes, he took so much money, but do NOT tell anybody, it goes against OUR CULTURE to SPEAK THE TRUTH."

I can show you videos. I can show you so many things of what bad people do.

If Koreans want to blame me for being a reporter, then they are probably against the American constitution which has the freedom of the press in the first amendment.

I believe I have the right to share the news with people. If the Koreans want to say that it is bad to share the news, then they will probably try very hard to censor the news just like China and North Korea do.

Koreans should stop insulting Trump because if they think that insulting Biden is bad and insulting Trump is good, that is silly.

Dear @joeyarnoldvn , Most Koreans don't know much about Trump and Biden. Korean news and media claim that Trump was a white supremacist, so Koreans thought he was a white supremacist.

Ukraine and China gave the Biden family millions to billions of dollars, especially in the 2010s, these past ten years, other countries are involved in many things, a lot of money, a lot of illegal bribes, we're talking all kinds of crimes like espionage, treason, etc. Biden has been involved in very big crimes involving lots of money.

Yes, I agree with you. By the way, I remember that Trump also received millions of dollars from Russia and China.

If Koreans want to blame me for being a reporter, then they are probably against the American constitution which has the freedom of the press in the first amendment.

Dear @joeyarnoldvn , Koreans, including me, don't blame you. I just pointed out that pictures of sexually insulting US President Biden feel strange and rude to Koreans.
I do not blame and object to your arguments. Just your homosexual photos felt curious and rude from a Korean point of view. I wanted to tell you the cultural differences between Korea and America. 😄

 3 years ago (edited) 

Trump did not get money from those countries, that is fake news. The picture you pointed out is NOT sexually insulting Biden. It is NOT sexual, it is a illustration of political corruption and other things.

It is NOT homosexual.

It is a MEME. Do you understand English? I told you this already and you ignored what I wrote. I feel like you do not even know five year old English. I wrote using the smallest words I could think of. I write in very simple English. I use short sentences. I said already it is NOT sexual. You go on to say the picture was sexual.

It is NOT sexual.

Yes, the picture LOOKS sexual but is NOT sexual. Do you understand what a meme is? It is not about sex. I am a little mad. Do you know that a picture of Biden in bed having sex with a man is NOT about sex.

It is NOT about sex.

Can you not understand the word "NOT" means no, do you understand that or do you believe that the picture is sexual? But it is a meme. And the meme is not a photograph. It is not a direct message.

The differences between different countries is NOT what you think if you knew history.