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RE: 2021-08-28

in THE 2020s3 years ago

I've had similar experience in the past.
You need one big name trusted on ramp and a wallet.
I never leave my crypto in one place for long.
Some sites will yank funds for inactivity.
Now tge government will do the same.
Never leave it sit unattended.
I constantly monitor mine.

 3 years ago  

That is why you should keep Bitcoin on a desktop wallet and not a website. In other words, make sure you have a seed which is 12 random words, like a pass key. When you are on a website, you will probably not have a seed minus a website like this one, Hive Blog, Ecency, Steemit, etc. You may have access to a seed here. Well, that depends on how your account here was created I think. I somebody else created your account on Hive, then they probably have a seed or master password for your account. And I mean specifically that there should be a seed. But crypto exchanges don't give you the seed. So, they have control over your money. And that can be dangerous.