My opinion towards animal abuse and a video of a nice gesture on my part towards michi (ENG/ESP)

in EspaVloglast year

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Hello my cool people from HIVE, writers, readers, video editors, among other users who share their wonderful ideas on this interesting platform that offers us the opportunity to express ourselves freely, it only asks us for originality in our posts, for this reason today I want to share with you my opinion on animal abuse, where I am sure many will agree with me and to close a nice and tender video of a visitor who comes to the door of my house to visit me or ask me for food, well I don't know, I read them in the comments and I they say they think

In recent years, videos have gone viral where animal abuse is the protagonist, but what is animal abuse: An irrational behavior of a person towards an animal with the aim of causing suffering, stress or even leading to death, dogs, cats, among others, are the beings that suffer this type of violence, that listening to their complaints should lead us to reflection, don't you think? Or seeing those little eyes make us think, why attack them? Despite the fact that these beings do not speak with their gaze and gestures, they already tell us everything.

Videos of young people playing with cats in an unusual way, such as kicking, throwing it to the ground, throwing it between them like a soccer ball, or when they burn dogs with candles or oil, and you see those painful, cruel images, those Poor dogs trying to save their lives walk slowly to flee from that violence if they still have the strength or leave them alive, gruesome audiovisuals full of a lot of insensitivity.

The last audiovisual that I saw related to animal abuse I was able to observe how in a circus a lion attacks one of its tamers, but he manages to get out and get away from the lion, but when he sees the animal far away, he proceeds to throw a chair at it that manages to hit it to the animal, which causes it to leave the stage that it shared with its tamers, and they end the show as if nothing had happened, at the moment of reading the comments I could see how practically we all agreed that until when will the show continue to be show animals in a circus, where the doctrine must be very strong for them, I remember that when I was little I watched circuses a lot on TV and I did not understand because of my age that these shows are not the most appropriate to see, there are already many animals that suffer, but as children at that time we did not know.

To close this part of the post, I'll tell you that animals by themselves act instinctively, I don't know if there are good or bad breeds, I just know that up to now the animals I've come across have been harmless or at least I didn't they have attacked, so you are not a great lover of these beings, do not mistreat them, get away from them and let them be, and take care of the little ones in your home, since they tend to touch the animals strongly at times, and capable of there for an act of defense if they can attack you and if you are the owner of any of these beings take care of them especially on the street remember that not everyone loves animals or has patience for them, but give them all the love you have and I assure you that it will be 100% reciprocal.

Talking about animal abuse and all that that entails and we have been able to see it on the networks would take us hours of writing, but that would be the least of it, since if it is not spoken, it is not known anymore, I do not want to fill this post with such negative things and I want to show you the other side a video of something very cute and tender that has been happening to me for some time now and that is that a very cute visitor approaches the door of my house who often stares at me as if asking for food and although many times I don't have to give him other yes and that's when I open the gate and invite him to eat from a great banquet hehe.

The visitor has already thrown away a few dishes, so that's why I had to serve him how it looks in the video on paper or on the floor, he gives me a little something, but he takes it from me with his happy face, he asks for so little and it gives so much, they don't know how nice it feels to see him eat and the company he gives me at certain moments where loneliness is the companion.

Since this cute kitten arrived, don't believe it, it's tremendous because it has been damaging my ceiling with its jumps and numbers 2, I don't know where it comes from, if it has an owner, house something, I just know it's coming and I give it some food when I can , but those are moments that WoW fill me with joy, here between us in December he was chubby, but now he is thinner I think he is no longer eating where they also gave him.

To close this post, I tell you that for some time now I have grown very fond of these beings of peace, I hope to have one soon and that it will be my companion at all times, both good and bad.

If you have reached this point, I would like to thank you and I hope to see you again in future posts by this, his servant.


Hola mi gente chévere de HIVE, escritores, lectores, editores de vídeos, entre otros usuarios que comparten sus maravillosas ideas en esta interesante plataforma que nos ofrece la oportunidad de expresarnos libremente solo nos pide originalidad en nuestros post, por este motivo hoy os quiero compartir mi opinión sobre el maltrato animal, donde estoy segura muchos coincidirán conmigo y para ir cerrando un lindo y tierno video de un visitante que llega a la puerta de mi casa a visitarme o pedirme comida, bueno no sé ya los leo en los comentarios y me dicen que opinan.

En estos últimos años se han hecho virales vídeos donde el maltrato animal es el protagonista, pero que es el maltrato animal: Un comportamiento irracional de una persona hacia un animal con el objetivo de causarle sufrimiento, estrés o incluso llevarlo a la muerte, perros, gatos, entre otros, son los seres que sufren este tipo de violencia, que el escuchar su quejido debería llevarnos a la reflexión no creen? O ver esos ojitos hacernos pensar, ¿por qué agredirlos? A pesar de que estos seres no hablen con su mirada y gestos, ya nos lo dicen todo.

Videos como jóvenes jugando con gatos de forma no usual, como por ejemplo, patadas, tiradas hacia el suelo, lanzarlo entre ellos como un balón de fut, o cuando queman perros con candela o aceite, y ves esas imágenes tan dolorosas, crueles, esos pobres perros tratando de salvar su vida caminan lento por huir de esa violencia si es que todavía le quedan fuerzas o lo dejan vivos, audiovisuales dantescos llenos de mucha insensibilidad.

El último audiovisual que vi relacionado con el maltrato animal pude observar como en un circo un león ataca a uno de sus domadores, más el mismo logra sacarse y alejarse del león, pero al ver al animal lejos procede a lanzarle una silla que le logra golpear al animal lo que provoca que se salga del escenario que compartía junto con sus domadores, y estos terminaran el show como si nada hubiera pasado, al momento de leer los comentarios pude ver cómo practicante todos coincidíamos en que hasta cuándo se seguirá teniendo como espectáculo el mostrar animales en un circo, donde la doctrina debe ser muy fuerte para ellos, yo recuerdo que cuando estaba pequeña veía mucho por la TV circos y no entendía por la edad que esos espectáculos no son los más adecuados para ver, ya hay muchos animales que sufren, pero como niños para aquel entonces no sabíamos.

Para ir cerrando esta parte del post os comento, que los animales de por sí actúan por instinto no sé si haya razas buenas o malas, solo sé que hasta ahora con los animales que yo me he topado han sido inofensivos o por lo menos no me han agredido, así que vos no sos muy amante de estos seres no los maltrates alejate de ellos y déjalos ser, y cuida a los más pequeños de tu hogar, ya que estos tienden a tocar a veces de forma fuerte a los animalitos, y capaz allí por un acto de defensa si puedan agredirte y si vos sos dueño de alguno de estos seres cuidalos sobretodo en la calle recuerda que no todos quieren a los animales ni tienen paciencia para ellos, pero dales todo el amor que tengas y te aseguro que eso será 100% recíproco.

Hablar de maltrato animal y de todo lo que eso conlleva y hemos podido ver en las redes nos llevaría horas de escritura, pero eso sería lo de menos, ya que si no se habla no se conoce más no quiero llenar este post de cosas tan negativas y quiero mostrarles el otro lado un vídeo de algo muy lindo y tierno que desde un tiempo para acá me está sucediendo y es que a la puerta de mi casa se acerca un visitante muy lindo que muchas veces se me queda mirando fijo como pidiendo comida y aunque muchas veces no tengo para darle otras si y son esas cuando le abro la reja y lo invito a comer de un gran banquete jeje.

Ya el visitante me ha botado unos cuantos platos, así que por eso me ha tocado servirle cómo se ve en el vídeo en papel o en el piso, me da como cosita, pero él con su carita de felicidad me la quita, pide tan poco y da tanto, no saben lo bonito que se siente el verlo comer y la compañía que me da en ciertos momentos donde la soledad es la acompañante.

Desde que llegó este lindo gatito que no crean es tremendo porque me ha estado dañando el techo con sus brincos y números 2, desconozco su procedencia, si tiene dueño, casa algo, solo sé que se acerca y yo le doy algo de comida cuando puedo, pero esos son momentos que WoW me llenan de alegría, acá entre nos en diciembre estaba gordito, pero ya ahora está más delgado creo que ya no está comiendo donde también le daban.

Para ir cerrando este post os digo que de un tiempo para acá le he tomado mucho cariño a estos seres de paz, espero pronto tener uno y que esté sea mi acompañante en todo momento tanto bueno como malo.

Si has llegado a este punto te envío un agradecimiento y espero volver a verte en próximos post de esta su servidora.

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A few months ago I was lucky enough to meet four wild horses and two ponies, who lived a difficult life once they met the man, they were mistreated a lot, but luckily for them, one day they met a fantastic girl who he adopted them. The day I met them, they gave me so many emotions that I can't even describe. I believe that anyone who mistreats an animal deserves nothing in life, and I hope that one day Karma will do do them they deserve.