

Hello dear friends,
Like everyone else, mistakes happen to me sometimes, or rather forgetfulness ...
Guess where the photo of the finished work is? There isn't one!
I forgot to take a picture of it .... and it's not the only one.... but the worst comes when I forget it altogether: from the beginning to the end, and I realise it as soon as it's delivered 🤣 HORROR!
And also if I have people's phone numbers I don't dare bother them, then I tell myself that it's part of life 👻
Below you have directly two more examples 🤪


Ciao cari amici,
come a tutti anche a me capitano degli errori a volte, o meglio delle dimenticanze ...
Indovinate dov' é la foto del lavoro finito? Non c'é!
Mi sono dimenticata di fotografarlo ....e non é l' unico.... ma il peggio arriva quando me ne dimentico proprio del tutto: cioé dall' inizio alla fine, e me ne accorgo appena consegnato 🤣 HORROR!
Avrei pure il numero di telefono della gente, ma non oso disturbarla, e poi mi dico che fa parte della vita 👻
Qui sotto avete direttamente altri due esempi 🤪



I hope you at least like my post and thanks for following me 😍

Spero che almeno il mio post vi piaccia e grazie per seguirmi 😍


Shit happens, they say - even at a young age one can be forgetful. Myself, I am an old coot, and sometimes I forget what I wanted when I go to the kitchen, or where I left my reading glasses (so I have several pairs spread around my place).
Something good happened today though: in conversation about my recent art post I began to search my place for slides, and lo and behold, I found a whole box with slides that have many pictures of artwork I thought lost. So I checked for a professional scanner and found a company in Vienna that would do slide scans up to 45 MP at 5500 dpi! It would not even cost a fortune.

Das mit der Küche und den Brillen passiert mir schon jetzt 🤣

haha , dann sind wir im selben Klub ...... ohne Lesebrille bin ich verloren:
