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RE: [ESP] Seguir al Mesías sin poner excusas / [ENG] Follow the Messiah without making excuses

Copying/Pasting content (full or partial texts, video links, art, etc.) with adding very little original content is frowned upon by the community. Publishing such content could be considered exploitation of the "Hive Reward Pool" and may result in the account being Blacklisted.

Please refrain from copying and pasting, or decline the rewards on those posts going forward.

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.


Hello community @hivewatchers Good afternoon, thanks for contacting me and leaving the warning. I want to let you know that every day I copy the Gospel that corresponds to the day, according to the Catholic liturgy. Then I make a comment based on the daily word that is why it seems that content is being plagiarized. There are gospels that contain the chapter and several verses, so the citation becomes extensive. I must be faithful to that reading, I cannot modify it because it is a sacred gospel.

Every comment I make should be my own, I agree to avoid over-quoting. I accept the observation made to me. Thanks. Greetings and infinite blessings.

Hola comunidad @hivewatchers Buenas tarde, gracias por comunicarse conmigo y dejar la advertencia. Quiero hacer de su conocimiento que a diario copio el Evangelio que corresponde al día, según la liturgia católica. Luego hago un comentario fundamentado en la palabra diaria es por eso que pareciera que se está plagiando contenido. Existen evangelios que contienen el capítulo y varios versículo, por lo que la cita se hace extensa. Yo debo ser fiel a esa lectura, no puedo modificarla porque es un evangelio sagrado.

Cada comentario que hago si debe ser propio, estoy de acuerdo con evitar el exceso de citas. Acepto la observación que me hacen. Gracias. Saludos y bendiciones infinitas.

Content/quote from any book/writing should be clearly marked as a quote and sourced..

Good Morning. @hivewatcher ok, that's fine, that's how I'll do it from now on. Thanks a lot.