Futuros campeones /Future champions

in Olio di Balena2 years ago (edited)

Este es uno de los carros en que los niños aprende a conducir en compañía de sus padres

This is one of the cars in which children learn to drive in the company of their parents

En esta pequeña pista los niños y sus padres se divierten, comparten, la entrada tiene un costo de 5 dólares y el tiempo establecido de 2 horas, me parece asequible

In this small track the children and their parents have fun , they share , the entrance has a cost of 5 dollars and the established time of 2 hours , it seems affordable to me

Algunos padres los observan , otros ingresan , los miran desde uno de estos pequeños autos

Some parents watch them, others come in, watch them from one of these little cars

Me gusta ver a la gente feliz, disfrutando de la vida, momentos de relax que todos merecemos

I like to see happy people, enjoying life, moments of relaxation that we all deserve


Children are very happy when they drive these cars. And parents are more than happy to see their kids smile. :)

Exactly, it is the focus of the post, not just learning to drive, they can do it at any time, sharing with the family is the most important thing here.
Thank you very much for your kind and intelligent comment.